An email I submitted today to Dr Romero and Dr Dillha.
Hello Dr. Romero, I would like to thank you in advance for addressing my concerns and questions.1. The CDC’s definition for vaccine is as follows: “A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting that person from that disease.” Currently the experimental vaccine trial endpoints (Moderna, Pfizer, J&J) decrease disease severity and hospitalization. Sterilizing Immunity and prevention of transition have not been proven. Do the investigational products being called vaccines meet the CDC’s definition of vaccine?2. Have there been any clinical trials conducted using these investigational products in persons that have been diagnosed with COVID-19 previously? Was the emergency use authorization granted for naturally immunized people without research data? Has there been any safety data collected for people naturally immunized who have also been vaccinated?3. Is there any current ongoing research in people who have been exposed to COVID 19 and never contracted the disease that could help develop potential treatments or cures?4. As what is occurring right now with this investigational product is a large Phase 3 trial, how are healthcare providers ensuring Adverse Events are being captured in the VAERS system? When people enter the ER with an MI, Embolism, Seizures are they being asked have you been recently vaccinated (doubt that is occurring as that is not the focus of the healthcare providers) therefore AEs are being under reported. Also as this is a Phase 3 trial being conducted how is it ethical to coerce people into taking an investigational product. That is against the law in clinical research.5. Why would you inject your children with an investigational product when the survival rate for children is 99.998%?6. Can you explain why the country of Sweden has faired so well as they did not shutdown or mandate masks?7. Can you explain why the RCT data for the use of Ivermectin is not being communicated but yet monoclonal antibody infusion are being given without as much supportive data? Please review this data: As a physician you should be willing to look at all data and not just what comes from Big Pharma. There are doctors out in the world successfully treating COVID patients with decrease hospitalizations and death. Isn’t that the goal!!8. As the Governor is out communicating in the communities concerning the vaccine, are accurate numbers being communicated related to the hospitalization numbers? He is stating 99% of the hospitalized are unvaccinated. Does the unvaccinated number include people that have received 1 dose of the investigational product or people who have received their 2 dose but have not gotten past the 2 weeks post injection? There needs to be a breakdown and accurate reporting. 9. The vaccinate rate for Arkansas will potential always be low and people are hesitate to have their children receive this investigational product as well as black and hispanic people. When calculating the rate is appears you are using the ages of 12 y.o. and up. The vaccination rate should really only be calculated in adults.10. Why is the PCR test that has been used over the past 18 months now being changed? Was it’s accuracy poor? Was the sensitivity level detecting levels of virus that were not transmittable? Right now as the delta variant is supposedly raging does the swab differentiate variants? As you can tell there are a lot of questions that need to be answered and I will be appreciative the time it will take for your response. There needs to be honesty and truth communicated to people when you are talking about their health and not just get the vaccine it will save your life and others lives.