The Senate did not approve the emergency clause on HB 1977 (the Bryant bill). Arkansas workers will needlessly be fired within the next 90+ days. They did, however, approve (without emergency clause) the very important Ballinger bill (SB 731), which establishes a right to medical privacy. After passing the senate, the Ballinger bill was debated this afternoon in House health for 2 1/2 hours and did pass out of committee (11-7-2). It should be considered by the full house Friday at 9AM.
Note: these bills are not finished! SB 731 must still pass the full House. Both bills must survive a possible veto. Asa has a week to veto after full passage.
Bryant bill emergency clause senate votes (22-11, needed 24):
Ballinger bill senate votes (22-11) :

Not just the R’s, I emailed every single one of them. Can’t say we didn’t try!
Done but just don’t feel they’re listening!
Our efforts have flipped Irvin and Hill, flipped Teague (at least occasionally), solidified Sturch, and we got Dismang to remove his mask. Sometimes it seems that we aren’t making progress, but we are, it just isn’t fast enough given the current situation.
Today’s vote is evidence that our representatives are not truly representing the will of the constituent who elected them.