Tuesday Update (2/15)

1.) Thank you to everyone who contacted the Craighead County / Jonesboro Library. After receiving many emails (we believe most on our side), the board tabled the proposal. We expect it to be considered again at a future meeting. As you know, most of these boards skew overwhelmingly Democrat, so it is difficult to pass any conservative measures.

2.) DHS: Mis- dis- and mal-information (MDM) being caused by “Domestic Terrorists”


3.) Skin conditions caused by Covid:


4.) Interview with Jonas Salk

An older interview with Dr. Salk. This doesn’t have anything to do with covid DIRECTLY, but it highlights some of the very SAME issues we are seeing today with big-pharma and “scientific” institutions.


5.) An Introduction to The Real Anthony Fauci: It’s So Much Worse Than You Imagined
