Phone Banking for Trump-Vance 2024

Attention all Trump supporters: make plans to help us phone bank for the Trump-Vance ticket to Make America Great Again!

Join us at these locations as we make phone calls to voters in swing states:
* Friday, October 18th 6 PM at Baxter County Republican Headquarters, 9883 US-62 in Henderson.
* Saturday, October 19th 2 PM at Craighead County Republican Headquarters, 400 Southwest Drive in Jonesboro.
* Sunday, October 20th 2 PM at Cabot Veterans Event Center, 508 N Lincoln Street.

Pizza and ice cream will be provided, along with prizes for the best Trump wear!

All are invited to participate. Come out and meet like-minded friends as we put all hands on deck to get President Trump back in the White House and save our nation!

FOIA Lawsuit against AR State Police

Press release

Joey McCutchen

Office: 479-783-0036

Cell: 479-806-4878

Today, trial lawyers Joey McCutchen and Stephen Napurano, representing Conway resident Jimmie Cavin, filed a lawsuit in Pulaski County Circuit Court against the Arkansas State Police (ASP) for numerous violations of the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The lawsuit centers around the investigation of the shooting involving the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) and the Little Rock Police Department (LRPD), which resulted in the death of Bryan Malinowski. Please see attached complaint.

Jimmie Cavin filed a FOIA request seeking the complete investigation file related to Malinowski’s death. The Arkansas State Police provided several files including audio recordings of the investigative interviews of the ATF and Little Rock Police Department officers involved in the raid. However, video recordings of the interviews were not provided. An independent analysis revealed that the video data had been removed from the media files that were provided to Mr. Cavin.

Mr. Cavin followed up with a subsequent FOIA request to ASP seeking details about the recording devices used to record the interviews, including the make, model, and identification numbers. ASP failed to provide that information to Mr. Cavin.

Additionally, the ATF Operational Plan for the raid of Malinowski’s home, which details the procedures and logistics of the raid, was not included in the materials provided by ASP. The Operational Plan was later obtained by Mr. Cavin from a separate FOIA Request submitted to the Pulaski County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office. This raises concerns about why this important document was withheld despite ASP’s possession of it.

McCutchen said, “The Arkansas State Police holds itself out to be the premiere law enforcement agency of the state and has a core value of trust— to hold themselves to a higher standard of accountability. Arkansans should be able to trust the ASP to be transparent. If we can’t trust the ASP to provide all of our records when requested, who can we trust?”

McCutchen added, “This is one reason we need to strengthen, not weaken, our Arkansas Freedom of Information Act.”

Myocarditis and Pericarditis Only Appear After COVID Vaccination

QUOTE: Myocarditis and pericarditis only occur after vaccination and not after COVID-19 infection, according to a recent preprint led by researchers at Oxford University, which compared health outcomes among COVID-vaccinated and unvaccinated children.

“Whilst rare, all myocarditis and pericarditis events during the study period occurred in vaccinated individuals,” the authors wrote. There were no deaths from myocarditis or pericarditis.

The study evaluated over 1 million English children aged 5 to 11 and adolescents aged 12 to 15. Vaccinated minors were compared to an equal number of unvaccinated, and children who took one dose were also compared to those who took two doses.

Despite having higher chances of heart inflammation, vaccinated adolescents had significantly lower chances of testing positive for COVID-19 and needing COVID-related hospitalization and critical care compared to their unvaccinated counterparts. Vaccinated children, however, were not substantially different from unvaccinated children in terms of COVID-19 infection and hospitalization.

Additionally, “COVID-19-related hospitalisation, and critical care attendance were rare in both adolescents and children and there were no COVID-19 related deaths,” the authors observed.

Some researchers have reasoned that children are better protected because, compared to adults, they have a faster-responding innate immune system, often referred to as the first line of defense. This enables them to mount a robust defense against COVID-19 infections more quickly.

“It SHOULDN’T Be Even On The Market!!” Dr Ladapo On Vaccines, Fauci, FDA & CDC

“Today, I had a conversation with Dr. Joseph Ladapo, the author of “Transcend Fear” and the Surgeon General of Florida.

We delved deeply into the pandemic era and how it has brought to light flawed policy decisions that favor pharmaceutical companies. We also discussed his spirituality and how his faith informs the public health recommendations he makes for Floridians.”

Dr. Ladapo’s new book, “Transcend Fear,” is now available.

38 Chaplains Ask Supreme Court To Stop U.S. Military Retaliation

QUOTE: A healthy little Dutch girl without a proper name died 52 years ago. Scientists keep her kidney’s cells multiplying in a process similar to cancer. They perform increasing numbers of experiments on derivatives of this baby girl’s kidney cells to develop technologies that include taste-testing experiments for PepsiCo. Her vivisection forms “the backbone of the global gene therapy market.”

Scientists call the baby girl HEK 293. HEK stands for “human embryonic kidney,” and 293 means she was the 293rd experiment in a set. 

She likely died from an elective abortion, not a miscarriage, concludes a 2006 journal article and many other scientific publications. An older gestational age and harvesting her kidney while still alive would have made her more useful for experimentation, as Planned Parenthood officials affirmed of their baby harvesting operations in 2015. 

Like many medications, Covid-19 vaccines and therapeutics were tested on cells made from HEK 293’s kidney. Some of the vaccines have HEK 293 cells inside them. That’s one of several reasons Capt. Rob Nelson, an Air Force chaplain, couldn’t in good conscience accept those treatments despite massive pressure from the military, he told The Federalist in a phone interview.

“I have five [children], and it breaks my heart to think of this. This girl continues to be violated as her cells are replicated over and over again,” he said. 

Nelson is one of 38 military chaplains whose petition is now before U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts in the case Alvarado v. Austin. The chaplains say the Department of Defense continues to defy the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act rescinding its Covid vaccine mandate, which the petition says has allowed statistically zero exceptions.

The DOD continues to violate the law by failing to rescind its punishments of conscientious objectors such as denied training and deployments required for promotions, the petition says. In addition, of course, denying soldiers’ religious exercise violates the First Amendment’s guarantee that all Americans can freely exercise their faith in their everyday lives.

That is precisely why the military has chaplains, several told The Federalist. All soldiers, their families, and civilians working for the U.S. military “have a right to believe what they believe and no one can say otherwise. It’s the same reason we can’t have a religious test for federal positions. As a chaplain, my job is to make sure the free exercise of religion is allowed, that nobody infringes upon that inalienable right,” said Army Col. Brad Lewis, a chaplain also party to the suit.

Harvard Tramples the Truth

QUOTE: I am no longer a professor of medicine at Harvard. The Harvard motto is Veritas, Latin for truth. But, as I discovered, truth can get you fired. This is my story—a story of a Harvard biostatistician and infectious-disease epidemiologist, clinging to the truth as the world lost its way during the Covid pandemic.

On March 10, 2020, before any government prompting, Harvard declared that it would “suspend in-person classes and shift to online learning.” Across the country, universities, schools, and state governments followed Harvard’s lead.

Schools closed in many other countries, too, but under heavy international criticism, Sweden kept its schools and daycares open for its 1.8 million children, ages one to 15. Why? While anyone can get infected, we have known since early 2020 that more than a thousandfold difference in Covid mortality risk holds between the young and the old. Children faced minuscule risk from Covid, and interrupting their education would disadvantage them for life, especially those whose families could not afford private schools, pod schools, or tutors, or to homeschool.

What were the results during the spring of 2020? With schools open, Sweden had zero Covid deaths in the one-to-15 age group, while teachers had the same mortality as the average of other professions.  Sweden was the only major Western country that rejected school closures and other lockdowns in favor of concentrating on the elderly, and the final verdict is now in. Led by an intelligent social democrat prime minister (a welder), Sweden had the lowest excess mortality among major European countries during the pandemic, and less than half that of the United States. Sweden’s Covid deaths were below average, and it avoided collateral mortality caused by lockdowns.

Yet on July 29, 2020, the Harvard-edited New England Journal of Medicine published an article by two Harvard professors on whether primary schools should reopen, without even mentioning Sweden. It was like ignoring the placebo control group when evaluating a new pharmaceutical drug. That’s not the path to truth.

Together with Gupta and Jay Bhattacharya at Stanford, I wrote the Great Barrington Declaration, arguing for age-based focused protection instead of universal lockdowns, with specific suggestions for how better to protect the elderly, while letting children and young adults live close to normal lives.

With the Great Barrington Declaration, the silencing was broken. While it is easy to dismiss individual scientists, it was impossible to ignore three senior infectious-disease epidemiologists from three leading universities. The declaration made clear that no scientific consensus existed for school closures and many other lockdown measures. In response, though, the attacks intensified—and even grew slanderous. Collins, a lab scientist with limited public-health experience who controls most of the nation’s medical research budget, called us “fringe epidemiologists” and asked his colleagues to orchestrate a “devastating published takedown.” Some at Harvard obliged.

Though powerful scientists, politicians, and the media vigorously denounced it, the Great Barrington Declaration gathered almost a million signatures, including tens of thousands from scientists and health-care professionals. We were less alone than we had thought.

Science cannot survive in a society that does not value truth and strive to discover it. The scientific community will gradually lose public support and slowly disintegrate in such a culture. The pursuit of truth requires academic freedom with open, passionate, and civilized scientific discourse, with zero tolerance for slander, bullying, or cancellation. My hope is that someday, Harvard will find its way back to academic freedom and independence.

5600 pages of Moderna documents

This is the most significant and largest release of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine animal studies to-date, and is the result of DTR’s successful Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) case against the FDA.

These documents build upon the substantial public releases of the Moderna documents already provided by DTR after it sued the FDA.

Sen. Ron Johnson, Health Experts Allege Cover-Up of COVID-19 Vaccine Dangers

QUOTE: Johnson’s forum—titled “Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding?” and held in the Senate Russell Office Building—featured a roundtable discussion including 22 testimonials from scientists, medical doctors, former government officials, and journalists about what they said were problems with the vaccines and government efforts to censor the dangers. 

The cover-ups involving both the origins of COVID-19 in China and adverse effects of the vaccines likely are linked to protecting the bioweapons industry, contended Dr. Harvey Risch, professor emeritus of epidemiology at the Yale School of Public Health and Yale School of Medicine.

Journalist Lara Logan, formerly of the CBS News program “60 Minutes” and now with Fox Nation among other media outlets, said the news media willfully has promoted narratives favored by the powerful in both government and the corporate world. 

“These are the worst of times for the media in this country. We live in an age of informational warfare,” Logan said.

She said companies, institutions, and journalism schools have failed the country. 

“For too long, we’ve allowed nonprofit organizations [to] masquerade as nonpartisan media watchdogs, when in fact they are highly paid political propagandists and assassins whose entire reason for being is to crush anyone who stands in their way,” Logan said. 

Logan said State Department agencies fund nongovernmental organizations abroad that silence dissent from official narratives and largely do the same in the United States. 

“These nonprofits that I’m talking about are a vast censorship network that includes government agencies. They use deception to mask their actions with lofty goals such as preventing the spread of misinformation, disinformation, hate speech,” she said.

Scientists Call for Global Moratorium on mRNA Vaccines, Immediate Removal From Childhood Schedule

QUOTE: A review paper published last week in the journal Cureus is the first peer-reviewed paper to call for a global moratorium on the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. The authors say that reanalyzed data from the vaccine makers’ trials and high rates of serious post-injection injuries indicate the mRNA gene therapy vaccines should not have been authorized for use.

Governments should endorse a global moratorium on mRNA vaccines until all questions about their safety have been thoroughly investigated, according to the authors of a new, peer-reviewed article on the COVID-19 vaccine trials and the global vaccination campaign published last week in Cureus, Journal of Medical Science.

Cureus is a web-based peer-reviewed open-access general medical journal using prepublication peer review.

The authors surveyed published research on the pharmaceutical companies’ vaccine trials and related adverse events. They also called for the COVID-19 vaccines to be removed immediately from the childhood immunization schedule.

Evidence also shows the products never underwent adequate safety and toxicological testing, and since the vaccine rollout, researchers have identified a significant number of adverse events (AEs) and serious adverse events (SAEs).

They also called for the vaccines to be immediately removed from the childhood immunization schedule and for the suspension of the boosters.

“It is unethical and unconscionable to administer an experimental vaccine to a child who has a near-zero risk of dying from COVID-19 (IFR, 0.0003%) but a well-established 2.2% risk of permanent heart damage based on the best prospective data available,” they wrote.

Finally, the authors called for a full investigation into misconduct by the pharmaceutical companies and the regulatory agencies.