By: Mischelle Coston
This is the kind of nonsensical sh$t people are spouting and believing. Just where are the children with serious complications and death? They don’t exist! This is the director of Special Education at Lake Hamilton Schools – she would prefer to mask special needs children and risk their health with an agent that affects 1 in 3000 pre-teens and teens, creating serious heart complications (only ONE of the issues now linked to said agent).The comments are all “Yay! You’re so smart. I’ve already started the process of maiming my children with the poison.” She arrogantly points out how enlightened she and her posse of morons are and how those who resisted masking their children are the same ones refusing to give them the agent. Damn right we are!These are the satans we are up against in our children’s schools who want to put them in harm’s way to feel self-righteous. THIS is dangerous!