4 Replies to “What to take if you were force-jabbed”

  1. My husband Harold King was force jabbed on the 14 of July. He didn’t come off quarantine until 16 of July. Now my husband can not walk or stand for that matter.

    1. Do you know what jab he took? Has he tried the protocol? Have you contacted your state senator and state rep? They need to know this. No one should be forced.

  2. I assumed this protocol was for the results of the vaccine. it’s not. This is for the minor side effects of the vaccine and the time frame after. This is useless in my case. The vaccine is killing my wife and all they say they can do is treat the symptoms, not the cause. Three doctors have said after all the tests it is being caused by the vaccine. Thanks for the suggestion anyway.

    1. I am so very sorry to hear this. I haven’t run across anything that addresses post-V adverse reactions other than this protocol, white pine needle tea, Ivermectin (which may help significantly with Long Covid and restoring smell, taste, clearing brain fog, but it seems your wife is dealing with much more serious reactions—again, I’m so sorry, I hope & pray she’ll receive treatments that will help her. I’m stunned you had 3 drs who actually acknowledged that her condition is caused by the VAX. That’s rare. The Drs are required by law to report these adverse reactions to CDC, VAERS. If they fail to do that, you can file the report yourself. There is an avenue for compensation for injuries, though difficult to traverse, but with 3 drs (hope you can get that in writing) you may have success with that route. Hope & prayers for you and your wife.

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