Legislative Update (8/5):

Both Mayberry bills failed today, which would normally be considered a win; however, the LR and Marion School Districts and several individuals have filed suits in woke Pulaski County in an attempt to get Act 1002 struck down. An injunction is VERY LIKELY to be granted by liberal Judge Tim Fox in tomorrow morning’s hearing. That means public schools will start school with mask mandates, regardless of the legislature. LR Mayor Frank Scott Jr. aka ‘his Wokeness,’ issued a city mask mandate today, saying that he didn’t believe Act 1002 was constitutional. Now we know why. We believe this was all orchestrated between Asa, Tom Mars, Frank Scott Jr., Walmart, Tyson, and the public school lobby. Like we’ve told you – Asa stays one step ahead of the legislature.

Here is what you need to do RIGHT NOW:

1.) Call, text, and email your state senator and state representative. Tell them to APPROVE SR4, extending the special session in order to deal with vaccine mandates and Critical Race Theory. Click the ‘Contact Lists’ tab for legislator contact info. https://reopenarkansas.org/contact-lists/

2.) Do NOT Comply with mask mandates. This nonsense will end when the people refuse. As long as you comply and mask up your kids, the tyranny will continue.

3.) Encourage your R legislators. With the exception of the RINO wing, they are trying to help. They need the session extended so they have more time to work through some freedom legislation.

Stay closely tuned to our website, as the situation remains very fluid. We are uncensored here and can bring you the truth. Unfortunately, we are being heavily censored on Facebook. We cannot discuss anything with the “V” or “M” words. You are welcome to discuss here. Just click the headline and a comment box will open. I will also answer emails and FB messages as much as possible.

UPDATE: Here is the zoom link for the Tim Fox court hearing Friday https://us04web.zoom.us/j/72920948502?pwd=ZGJBU3hMM25KcGtUZ2JoMkVZUEp4Zz09

2 Replies to “Legislative Update (8/5):”

  1. Thank you for this important update. I will follow up. And as for the collaboration of Frank Scott with Hutchinson, I think that is absolutely right. I overheard a conversation at a meeting in Hillcrest on July 12 which was an allusion to this in the making. I did not realize until tonight that what I had overheard was indeed a reference to a plan
    to reverse the law passed by the legislature. It alarmed me at that time, but I had no idea it would become a big public thing.

  2. I am disappointed to read about lawsuits, etc. Now this will be tied up in court like the other forcing masks anyway. I guess parents can bombard school boards. I feel more comfortable about the privacy bill. Others have thoughts. I think it is more in line with freedom thinking. Just my opinion. Someone else have thoughts?

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