Get the jab or violate probation:
Frontline nurses expose discrimination and harassment:
What is actually killing people in the hospital:
The foremost authority on “scientism” and “trans-humanism”, PatrickWood began his career working with Professor Anthony Sutton on the “Trilateral Commission” (David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, others).Bottomline is scientism is their religion, therefore, facts that contradict its orthodoxy are ignored and demonized by the drumbeat of the MSM and believers.
“We know the truth, Governor.” Multiple anti-vaxxers showed up to berate Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson during a COVID-19 townhall meeting meant to encourage vaccinations in Siloam Springs. The event came as cases are surging across Arkansas with only 36.3% of the states’ residents fully vaccinated.…
Tyranny with a needle:
Rand Paul – Say NO to tyrannical mandates:

From Candace Owens:
I don’t know about you guys but I am LOVING the maskless, non social-distancing photos coming out of Barack Obama’s 60th birthday party. I love that the event, attended by over 400 people, is a reminder to us all that they are our rulers and we are their peasants. Lock down your business! Mask up forever!Mask your children! Take the non-fda approved vaccine! I personally have confirmed that at least two of the hip-hop stars who attended ARE NOT VACCINATED, so while you are being told your children can’t attend school without being inoculated and that you can’t attend concerts without showing your papers and that you can’t fly on a plane while breathing—- remember these photos. Remember that they are laughing at you. Remember this isn’t about science. Remember that this is about totalitarianism. Remember that they fly private. Remember that they stopped you from making money and told you how selfish you were for wanting to feed your children while they stole TRILLIONS via stimulus packages, increased their own net worths, and robbed your future to fund their totalitarian government. The elites are laughing as you do exactly what they say because you don’t have the courage to stand up and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
Paycheck deductions for the un-jabbed:
A pathologist’s summary of what the jabs do to the brain & other organs:

I’ve heard inside information that Governor is paying an extra $100 per jab to Private doctors or admins of clinics.
Also have an AR Medicaid update for next 60 days. Will try to share on FB page
Thanks for all these news updates!