This form contains the info you should FOIA from your child’s school. Most are unwilling to voluntarily fill out the form, so you will need to make it a FOIA request. Place the words “Freedom of Information Act request” in the subject line. The email should specifically request “documentation that will answer the questions on the attached form.” You should request this information (a) if your child is currently quarantined, or (b) if your child has ever been quarantined.
If they refuse to comply, let us know, and we will assist you further.
I think schools will just set this aside and do what they’re going to do. They’ll probably pass the buck to the ADH.
They legally have to reply. We will have further guidance out Monday.
I plan to use it tomorrow. My son was quarantine this afternoon at 6 PM I had a text message. Apparent exposure on Friday but went to school all day on Monday. Coincidentally we had him tested on Friday following a brief stomach about Friday night at a football game. The test was negative.
I wonder if this will work with daycare. My daughter was quarantined for 10 days due to another child testing positive. My daughter never showed any symptoms and never did. I figure they are being bullied by the department of health. Maybe I’m mistaken. Any help is greatly appreciated π πΊπ²
It will only work if they are a public entity subject to FOIA.
We had a teacher come to school sick because there were no subs for her class. Teacher called in sick and was told to come in anyway until they could find a sub. I have no idea how long she was at school, but she told her class this. I emailed the Principal and informed him not to even try a quarantine on my child (who goes to school maskless). He has not responded, itβs been a week.
I wouldn’t be concerned unless they are actually quarantined. If they are, then the FOIA becomes useful.
Last school year, my kids were all quarantined twice each, 14 days each time, not one sniffle from any of them.
You can still use the form to find out if they have the records. They likely do not.
And we can continue to send the asymptomatic child to school until this is returned via the FOIA request?
That’s a legal question. Call Greg Payne at Story Law Firm in Fayetteville.
What school refused to follow quarantine? Any?