This is the Monday update. You may submit your own articles / posts by clicking the ‘Submit’ tab on the menu. To comment, click the headline above, and a comment box will appear. Please share this website with your patriot friends and family.
1.) The legislature meets today. Tune in here: and check back tonight for a new Legislative Update post.
2.) Lockdowns killed more Canadians under 65 than COVID-19
3.) How Democracy Ends – by Vinay Prasad – Vinay Prasad’s Observations and Thoughts
Worth the read… some thoughtful comments follow, don’t miss.
4.) Pfizer accused experimenting on orphans

6.) Dr Jane Ruby shares resources
Need fire power to avoid vaccinations, masks, and being fired for not doing one or the other?
Here’s your treasure trove.
– Assumption of Liability – in the case of mandatory vaccinations to retain employment or for other work or school related benefits, consider to demand that the employer or school have an authorized representative sign the assumption of liability agreement. A refusal to sign this will make more clear your right to refuse the jab to the organization pressuring you.Liability Assumption 👈 Form
– Religious exemption – in the case of mandatory vaccinations to retain employment or for other work or school related benefits, if you have a religious basis to be exempt, consider the drafts provided here and if your basis for an exemption differs, draft your own, or have an attorney draft a version using these examples but consistent with your religious reason.Protestant Vaccine Exemption 👈 FormCatholic Vaccine Exemption 👈 Form
Letter Templates
• Mask letter template for adults • Mask letter template for children in school • Employee letter addressing discriminatory policies • Active Military letter for the jab • Vaccine public letter • Employee letter to company requiring the jab • Forms to Universities requiring the jab • Notice of Liability to schools • Notice of liability to vacinator
Forced vaccinations violate:
– The Nuremberg War Crimes Code.- The Geneva Convention.- The UN Charter.- The international Criminal Court Laws.- The US Constitution.- The Declaration of Geneva (the original, not the substitution put in by the Deep state)
How to File a Private Criminal Complaint
In fact, the very first thing you should do if you believe the hospital is holding your relative or a loved one hostage & forcing experimental treatments and ventilators…
Is download their Patient Bill of Rights document off their website
And count the number of violations of their own policy
7.) Masks studies review
Excellent review of the key studies and figures in the mask psychosis. Dr. Templeton lined up 'evolving' sCiEnCe with the politics of governments that felt they had to be seen as doing something. "I think the "why" will be discussed for a long time. But as one PPE expert told me, "They (the CDC) thought they had to tell the public something." People demanded control, even if just an illusion of it." 24 Sept. Oct 1, Templeton published this piece, below. He is on a school advisory board in Indiana. This is is the motherlode of research links regarding masks on children in schools. Super piece! Hyperlinks throughout. THIS is one to send to school board members, superintenedents.... legislators & Public Health Committe members, too."HURTING CHILDREN TO PROTECT THEM"
8.) Newsom orders COVID vaccines for eligible students, the first state mandate for K-12 schools
9.) Scanning Electron Transmission Reveals Microscopy Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines