Today was a huge loss for liberty! The senate failed to pass the emergency clause on HB1977. The senate voted 22-12 to pass HB1977. While the bill passed, the emergency clause failed (required 24 votes). Senator Hammer used every procedural maneuver possible to protect Arkansas workers, and the senate finally agreed to recall the bill from the House. This gives the senate one last chance to pass the bill on the emergency clause. That vote is expected to take place Thursday morning at 9.

Possible scenarios:
1.) In the event HB1977 does not pass tomorrow on the emergency clause, then it will go to the governor for a likely veto. The legislature can then override the veto with a simple majority vote; however, the bill will not go into effect for 90 days from the date of override.
2.) In the event HB1977 does pass tomorrow on the emergency clause, then it will go to the governor for a likely veto. The legislature can then override the veto with a simple majority vote, and the bill would become law immediately.
3.) In the event the governor does not veto, but does not sign (also possible), then the bill would still become law. The date it becomes law would depend on the emergency clause passage or failure.
4.) It is also possible that the governor vetoes the bill and the legislature fails to override; in that case, it is dead and no Arkansans receive any protection.
Note that the identical companion bill, SB 739, did pass the House today (61-25-4), and that is being hailed by others as a victory; however, without the emergency clause, the relief to Arkansans does not start until January. In the meantime, thousands of workers will be fired or coerced. SB 739 could take paths 1, 3, or 4 above, none of which would become effective immediately.
Thank you for your hard work !
Do you think any that voted NO will be swayed before tomorrow morning?
Thank you for all the information.
Thank you for all your hard work we pray EARNESTLY for you every day and also our legislators and Senate
Thank you Scott!
Thank you for posting daily all of this very important information as it occurs ! It is because of your updates that I know who to contact, and specifically what message needs to be conveyed! Also, the photos taken of the electronic voting board are very helpful !
YES!! Thank you so much for the updates!! I have a question….
There are more Nay votes today compared to the other day!
What sways them?
Maybe contacting all of them, rather than just the Nays, would get us a better outcome??
So they ALL know how we feel.
What are your thought?
Asa, Walmart, Tyson, Chamber of Commerce. We think tomorrow’s vote is a formality, no real chance of winning. We will soon pivot to defeating the red NO votes in the election.
Thank ya’ll
Contacted ALL the no votes with my hail Mary:
Dear Senator so and so,
How many children should starve in order to make you feel safe?
How many families must go bankrupt in order to make you feel safe?
How many business owners should lose everything they’ve worked for in order to make you feel safe?
How many people have to lose their jobs, their health insurance, their life savings, to make you feel safe?
Come up with the number of people that you think should surrender their lives for YOUR feelings and YOUR safety.
Thank you for your time,
Thank you for the hard work and trying to save jobs. I have sent repeated texts calls and emails. Not sure they care. They certainly are not voting the wishes of their constituents. Praying this passes with emergency clause
I received a pic yesterday from a number I texted from your list. The pic of the vote board showed the bill passing. I have the pic but no idea how to get it to you. I don’t understand.
Someone is messing with you. Read the website post. I very clearly explained what happened, what passed, and by how much.