Legislative Update (10/8)

The RINO wing of the House has failed the people of Arkansas once again! First, they tried to prevent a vote on the Ballinger medical privacy bill (SB 731). When that scheme failed and the vote on the bill finally took place, the RINOs joined forces with the Ds, and as usual, killed a piece of good legislation. The final vote was 41 Yes, 46 No, 12 Not Voting, 1 Excused.

Yeas: 41

Barker, Beck, Bentley, Boyd, Breaux, Bryant, Carr, Cavenaugh, Cloud, C. Cooper, Crawford, M. Davis, Dotson, Evans, Furman, Gazaway, Haak, Hollowell, L. Johnson, Ladyman, Lowery, Lundstrum, Maddox, McCollum, McGrew, McKenzie, McNair, S. Meeks, Miller, Milligan, Payton, Penzo, Pilkington, Rye, Slape, B. Smith, Tosh, Underwood, Vaught, Wing, Womack

Nays: 46

F. Allen, Beatty Jr., S. Berry, M. Berry, Bragg, Brooks, Brown, Christiansen, Clowney, Coleman, A. Collins, Dalby, Deffenbaugh, Eaves, Ennett, K. Ferguson, Fielding, C. Fite, L. Fite, V. Flowers, Fortner, D. Garner, Godfrey, Gonzales, M. Gray, Hillman, Holcomb, Hudson, Jean, Love, McClure, McCullough, M. McElroy, Nicks, Ray, Richardson, Richmond, Scott, S. Smith, Speaks, Springer, Tollett, Wardlaw, D. Whitaker, Wooten, Mr. Speaker (Shepherd)

Others (effective Nays):

Eubanks, D. Ferguson, Hawks, M. Hodges, Jett, Lynch, Magie, J. Mayberry, Murdock, Perry, Warren, Watson, Cozart

We find it despicable that some reliable conservatives were coerced into voting NO on this crucial bill. If your state rep is listed as a Nay or Other above, please consider challenging him.

With the session finished, any chance to pass medical freedom legislation is dead for now. We await the governor’s decision on the Bryant bill (HB 1977), which did pass both chambers, but has no emergency clause.

Today’s votes: https://www.arkleg.state.ar.us/Bills/Votes?id=SB731&rcs=3205&chamber=House&ddBienniumSession=2021%2F2021R

10 Replies to “Legislative Update (10/8)”

  1. I can not believe what I watched today in The House. Arkansas has a huge problem. That being RINOS . We must primary them and get them out…They work for The Suits…Not the People..Very Disappointed .

  2. These RINOs suck and must be replaced. We know the Ds don’t care, they want total government control over our lives.

  3. Scott can we post pics in comments? I screen shot my text with Gonzales and want to share. I’m dumbfounded on their reasoning!!!

  4. So, assuming these become law, there will be exemptions provided and also provides that we can test or show proof of antibodies, is that correct? between 739 and 1977

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