Tuesday Update (1/4)

This is the Tuesday update. You may submit your own articles / posts by clicking the ‘Submit’ tab on the menu. To comment, click the headline above, and a comment box will appear. Please share this website with your patriot friends and family.

1.) An injunction over the Dept of Defense vaccine mandate, finally:


2.) Bhakdi/Burkhardt pathology results show 14 out of 15 people who died after being vaccinated were killed by the vaccine


3.) Omicron lab leak hypothesis explained

the omicron lab leak hypothesis explained to non-scientists: https://bprice.substack.com/p/lab-leak-20?

SARs-cov-1 leaked from a lab a decade ago and no one noticed until very recently. 20% of the flu samples had it. https://twitter.com/Kevin…/status/1478207019001786374…

4.) Interesting video about what the tests really show:

5.) 2 new studies, 12/31, estimate up to 893,000 Vax deaths US

6.) Dr. Peter McCullough: The Inexplicable Suppression of Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, and Other COVID-19 Treatments


7.) Over 95% of Omicron Cases are in Vaccinated People

8.) These bills will be heard in the next New York Legislature meeting beginning tomorrow, January 5th:

1. BILL A8378 – REQUIRES IMMUNIZATION AGAINST COVID-19Authorizes health commissioner to develop and supervise the execution of a program of immunization against COVID-19 for state aid to schools; requires immunization for attendance at school
2. BILL S6495 – REQUIRES “IMMUNIZATION” of certain post-secondary students for COVID-19
3. BILL A2240 –  MANDATORY FLU VACCINE for persons attending daycare
4. BILL A08398 – Prohibits organizations from accepting any nonmedical exemptions to an immunization requirement; removes religious exemptions
5. BILL S3041 – Permits any child 14 years+ to have immunizations administered without parent knowledge or consent
6. BILL A822 – Treats minors for STDs without parent knowledge or consent
7. BILL A416 – Relates to the “removal” of anyone deemed “potentially” dangerous to public health. The governor may order the removal or detention of a person or group to be detained in an “appropriate” facility

Monday Update (1/3)

This is the Monday update. You may submit your own articles / posts by clicking the ‘Submit’ tab on the menu. To comment, click the headline above, and a comment box will appear. Please share this website with your patriot friends and family.

1.) There is no immunity for coordinated effort to murder

Doctors following the guidance, ignoring the law, ignoring medical ethics, ignoring their duty to do no harm….crimes against humanity.


2.) 41 year old Arkansan describes how she was vaccine injured


3.) The Collins and Fauci Attack on Traditional Public Health

4.) Four Times the Biden Administration Promised That Vaccines Will Never Be ‘Mandatory’

5.) Video: NY health commissioner admits using overblown claims about child COVID hospitalizations to scare parents into vaccinating their kids


or… mass hypnosis- the madness of crowds


7.) Vaccines don’t stop Covid hospitalizations or deaths

“The findings run contrary to the endlessly repeated promises of Covid vaccine advocates that even if vaccines fail to prevent infection, they are necessary to keep hospitals from being overrun. They also help bring American hospitalization data – which is both fragmented and hopelessly politicized in a desperate effort to prove vaccine efficacy – more in line with figures from the United Kingdom and other countries.”
