This is the Thursday update. You may submit your own articles / posts by clicking the ‘Submit’ tab on the menu. To comment, click the headline above, and a comment box will appear.Please share this website with your patriot friends and family.
1.) We are beginning to issue legislative candidate endorsements. Please help support our patriot candidates. We need to gain 2 or 3 seats in the senate and 10-15 in the house in order to preserve and protect our freedom.
We are being very selective in endorsements and will only endorse those candidates who will fight for our freedom. We will not issue an endorsement in every race.
2.) Young Americans: Leave Those Creepy College Covid Camps And Start Your Careers Now
QUOTE:Lockdown measures used by governments worldwide to reduce the death toll from COVID-19 had little or no effect on mortality, according to three researchers who analyzed 24 studies.
The researchers, led by Steve Hanke, the co-founder of The Johns Hopkins Institute for Applied Economics, Global Health, and the Study of Business Enterprise, screened 18,590 studies to select the 24 papers used for the final analysis.
They concluded that lockdowns in Europe and the United States pared the mortality from COVID-19 by 0.2 percent on average. Shelter-in-place orders reduced mortality by 2.9 percent on average, they found.
“While this meta-analysis concludes that lockdowns have had little to no public health effects, they have imposed enormous economic and social costs where they have been adopted,” the researchers wrote.”In consequence, lockdown policies are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument.”
5.) Five Freedoms: Julie Ponesse’s Speech to the Trucker Convoy
In the early days of the shutdown and unconstitutional executive branch mandates, Reopen Arkansas was searching for a legal solution. Our constitutional rights were clearly being trampled, but no lawyer wanted to take on the governor. Enter Bentonville Attorney Greg Payne, who was willing to sue the state, the governor, and the Department of Health. Throughout the process, Greg remained stalwart in his position that the law was on our side. Since that initial lawsuit, he has represented scores of public school parents against tyrannical school boards over forced-masking. Other candidates will claim conservative credentials or support of constitutional principles, but Greg Payne has walked the walk, literally battling in court to preserve our natural and constitutional rights. The citizens of Arkansas can greatly benefit from having a constitutional lawyer fighting for us in the state legislature. That’s why we wholeheartedly endorse Greg Payne for Arkansas House District 13, and we encourage our members to generously support his campaign.
Payne policy positions important to Reopen Arkansas:
This is the Wednesday update. You may submit your own articles / posts by clicking the ‘Submit’ tab on the menu. To comment, click the headline above, and a comment box will appear.Please share this website with your patriot friends and family.
1.) HOSPITAL COVID GUIDE 1.0 from Attorney Jeff Childers
This guide is presented only as an outline to help inform you about options that may be available. This is a first draft. I will be refining and expanding this guide, and will post subsequent versions when they are available. If you have any suggestions for improvements to the guide, post them in the comments. The single most common call we are getting in our office these days is the scenario where a loved-one has been admitted to the hospital, diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 infection, often attached to a ventilator, and has become concerned about their course of treatment. In many cases the hospitals have refused to release the patient, citing their unstable condition, meaning that at some point, it can become impossible to get off the Covid express. The most common complaints we get include that patients are being pressured to accept Remdesivir, have been given Remdesivir even though they objected to it, or the hospital will not administer alternative widely-used treatments even though the patient is in critical condition where side effects are less risky than imminent death. I have personally seen hospitals spend tens of thousands of dollars on lawyers to keep patients in their facility. Here are some suggestions, starting with the time before admission. You should read this now and you might want to bookmark it for later. It could save your life.## Common Suggestions[1] Document everything when working with a hospital. Keep or make all paperwork. Take pictures and video of everything. Be organized.[2] Determine whether you are in a one-party consent or two-party consent state for recordings, and then record meetings with hospital staff. If in a two-party state, you must notify the other party they are being recorded or it may be a felony. Record everything. One option for notice is to just put up a handwritten sign near the patient’s bed notifying folks that recordings are being made for quality assurance. Obviously document the existence of the sign.[3] Keep a log of the names of all hospital staff involved in the patient’s care.[4] Before getting anywhere near the hospital, or as soon as you read this if in the hospital, you MUST complete a medical health surrogacy form. This will legally designate the person who can direct your care if you become unable to do so. Here’s the example form for the State of Florida: some googling for your area.[5] If you’re in the hospital, or are considering admission, request a copy of the hospital’s current Covid protocol IN WRITING.[6] Allied doctors have suggested that if you are in the hospital for Covid treatment, the things to focus on are the optimal use of anticoagulants, steroids, and the inpatient setting, meaning the overall day-to-day care (hydration, bedsore prevention, nutrition, etc.). [7] Consider researching whether you want to receive glucose (sugar water) at all, since some studies suggest this can worsen Covid outcomes. This may be particularly important for diabetics and pre-diabetics. If not, make your wishes known in writing as described above.[8] If any treating staff — nurses or doctors — make disparaging comments about your vaccination status, directly or indirectly, consider immediately instructing the hospital in writing that person may NOT be involved in your care.[9] Always remember the old saw about catching more flies with honey. Hospital staff are stressed and unhappy about Covid; I know of many who feel they cannot speak or act freely out of fear of professional reprisal. So the nurse or doctor that you think is an opponent may in fact be an ally willing to help wherever possible, but having to parrot the party line in the meantime. Never show anger or frustration. Keep it together. This is important.## Emergency RoomThe most common scenario that we are hearing is that folks go to the ER for Covid infection and are sent home without treatment if the symptoms aren’t serious enough, and then later are admitted after the patient’s condition has worsened to the point they require hospitalization. An increasing number of reports include folks who go to the ER for a separate reason and wind up testing positive in the ER, or become positive after admission — then get bunged right into the Covid ward and — boom! — they’re on the Covid express.[1] If you test positive in the ER, whether you were there FOR Covid or for a different reason, and are told you will be admitted, ask about at-home care alternatives. Most corporate hospitals do NOT have home-care protocols. I’ve listed websites below that provide information about alternatives for home treatment. With a little effort, you can find a local doctor or community hospital who will arrange and oversee at-home oxygen if needed. Ask about the hospital’s Covid protocol BEFORE you agree to be admitted. Is it based on remdesivir and the ventilator? If so, you may want to review the literature on those two treatments before you agree.[2] If you’re in the ER for a non-Covid critical condition but test positive, you’ll be admitted to the Covid ward. See the notes below, and consider discharging yourself for at-home Covid care the instant your primary issue has been stabilized.## Pre-SurgeryIf you are going in for a non-Covid-related surgery, be aware that nosocomial (hospital-acquired) Covid infections appear to be very common. In other words, even though you are there to have your appendix out, the hospital is going to start testing you for Covid about every ten seconds from the time you arrive until discharge. If you test positive, you’ll be on the Covid express before you know what happened.It doesn’t matter whether you’ve been vaccinated. You can still test positive and will be treated for Covid infection.You need to consider this risk in planning your surgery. If you test positive but don’t want remdesivir or ventilation, you need to make that clear in WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS provided to the hospital IN ADVANCE of your surgery. They need to be part of your medical record. Otherwise you could be on remdesivir even before you come out of anesthesia. Some people may not have options because of insurance constraints and so forth. Explore your options. And if you DO have options, consider whether your surgery would be better handled in a facility where they don’t also provide Covid treatment, in order to reduce the risk of Covid hospitalization. Finally, can your surgery be safely deferred? Don’t defer necessary surgery unnecessarily. But if you can wait, that might be a good idea. ## Early Interventions (post-admission)This section applies to folks or their loved ones who are in the hospital with a Covid diagnosis but remain conscious. [1] If you haven’t yet received Remdesivir, and DO NOT want it, state that in writing and give it to your doctors. Post a copy by your hospital bed.[2] If you DO NOT want to be placed on a ventilator, state that in writing and give it to your doctors. Post a copy by your hospital bed.Be prepared for the hospital to try, hard, to change your mind about those two treatments. This pressure may come when you are weakest. Be ready.[3] Many people believe that Covid is best treated at home. Your circumstances may vary. Get an opinion from a telemedicine specialist in at-home Covid care like, or consult online places to check include:,, (FLCCC), and[4] If you decide that you prefer to treat your Covid at home, or can find a non-corporate independent clinic somewhere that will accept you, discharge yourself. If the hospital pushes back on discharge, you may need to discharge yourself “Against Medical Advice,” or AMA. Ask if your hospital has its own form, otherwise google one.## Late Interventions In this section, the patient is no longer conscious or capable of directing their own care. Many times these patients are, unfortunately, already on the ventilator. Therefore relatives or a surrogate are making decisions for the patient. Many patients in this condition are essentially just waiting to die.[1] If you are concerned about the quality of care, immediately get the hospital’s “Patient Advocate” involved. Most hospitals have one. [2] Get a second opinion. You’ll need to find a local independent doctor to provide a second treatment opinion. Obviously you will need a doctor who specializes in Covid treatment. You should request the doctor be allowed to evaluate the patient even if they lack admitting privileges for purposes of a second opinion. Request that the doctor be permitted to participate in patient conferences even if by phone. [3] If at all possible, arrange for someone to be in the room with the patient at all times to ensure consistent high quality of care. At ALL times. Do it in shifts. Even in the middle of the night. Things can happen over the night shift. This person should be checking hydration levels and conferring when possible with nurses and doctors assigned to the patient.[4] Advocate continually for alternative treatments (iv.mectin, fluvoxamine, and/or monoclonal antibody treatments), if approved by the outside physician.[5] Some people have successfully arranged to have alternative treatment providers see the patient; or have managed transfers to other hospitals with more flexible Covid treatment, specialized clinics, or even at-home treatment. You may have to insist on the patient being discharged AMA.[6] Right-To-Try. Consider drug treatments still in clinical trials with right-to-try programs. You MUST use the magic words “I am requesting this against medical advice,” or the hospital will usually reject or ignore your request. Note that iv.mectin and fluvoxamine are APPROVED drugs and are excluded from right-to-try. For example, one drug in this category that has been frequently mentioned is Zysemi. See ([7] You might want to familiarize yourself with successful hospital protocols from 2020, like placing ventilated patients on their stomach.[8] Your primary goal is to wean the patient off the ventilator. The longer they are on the ventilator, the more likely it is that their condition will continue to deteriorate. Once off the ventilator, you can transition to at-home care.## Legal Options[1] Court Options. Court options are limited, and expensive, but have worked in some places. Laws vary widely state-by-state. In Florida, the applicable law is Probate Rule 5.900, which provides for an emergency hearing about patient treatment within 72 hours. My suggestion is that the Court be asked ONLY that the patient (a) be allowed to be treated by the outside physician, or (b) that the patient be released AMA.As an example, here is a link to Florida Rule 5.900: ( lawyer should carefully consider that asking a Court to order administration of iv.mectin is a risky ask. There have been some successes with this approach, but also many, many failures. Courts have wide latitude in what they can do (or not do) in these situations. Adding a controversial drug into the equation makes the case significantly harder, and since judges are people too, the judge’s preconceived notions about iv.mectin will be a factor. You do NOT want to get into a giant evidentiary battle over the efficacy of iv.mectin. In other words, simpler and less intrusive requests are more likely to be granted by the Court.[2] Police Reports. If the patient was given Remdesivir against instructions, that may be a battery, and you might want to consider filing a police report against the hospital and involved staff. If the patient passed away, the stakes are even higher. Although it is hard to say whether the police report will amount to anything, it may be very helpful documentation later. Obviously, provide the police with all paperwork and evidence that you have and keep a file copy of the police report. I hope this helps. These cases are the worst, most heart-breaking cases I have ever handled in my career. The stakes are literally life-and-death. I don’t mean this guide to be critical of well-meaning doctors and nurses in corporate hospitals — many, if not most are heroic professionals who want the best for patients. Unfortunately, the incentives (e.g. government payments to hospitals) are totally perverse. Finally, remember that you are not alone! There are more and more advocacy groups forming to help people trapped in hospitals receiving ineffective or harmful treatment. But time is short. The best defense is a good offense; be prepared BEFORE you reach the emergency room.
4.) Three of the biggest and most liberal counties in Colorado end the mask mandates in public schools! Colorado is deep blue and Arkansas supposed to be red?
QUOTE:Districts should rethink imposing on millions of children an intervention that provides little discernible benefit.
To justify mask requirements in school at this point, health officials should be able to muster solid evidence from randomized trials of masking in children. To date, however, only two randomized trials have measured the impact of masks on COVID transmission.
The first was conducted in Denmark in the spring of 2020 and found no significant effect of masks on reducing COVID-19 transmission. The second is a much-covered study conducted in Bangladesh that reported that surgical masks (but not cloth) were modestly effective at reducing rates of symptomatic infection. However, neither of these studies included children, let alone vaccinated children.
Other studies—not randomized trials—have looked at the effects of masks in schools, and their results do not support pervasive, endless masking at school.
It’s not very often that the Fayetteville area gains an opportunity to elect a constitutional conservative “warrior mom” who felt called to public service to enact positive change in state government. Jody Harris is a mom of four who is fighting to restore and preserve our freedoms for future generations. As a long-term member of Reopen Arkansas, Mrs. Harris has been fully engaged in the fight to restore our liberties, stop CRT in our schools, and reduce taxes by drastically cutting the bloated bureaucracy in state government. We are confident that Jody Harris will well-represent our core values in the state legislature and consistently vote for liberty, smaller government, and parental rights. Reopen Arkansas is delighted to formally endorse Jody Harris in the Republican primary for Arkansas House District 25.
Your help is needed to get Jody Harris fighting for our freedom in the state legislature! Please use this link to donate:
This is the Tuesday update. You may submit your own articles / posts by clicking the ‘Submit’ tab on the menu. To comment, click the headline above, and a comment box will appear.Please share this website with your patriot friends and family.
1.) Candidate questionnaires: we are actively vetting candidates for endorsements and financial support. Please encourage your candidates to fill out the form at This is a necessary step before any endorsements are issued.
QUOTE:It has been two years since the world first noticed people were getting sick and dying from a novel coronavirus that originated in Wuhan, China. As the seriousness of the disease became more apparent, policymakers around the world struggled with how to respond.
Now it is becoming clear that most of the policies they chose, like all policy choices, were not consequence-free. Sadly, America’s school children appear to have borne the brunt of their choices.
Politico and other outlets have reported on the “disaster” of learning loss resulting from pandemic school closures. Unfortunately, this learning loss is concentrated in minority communities that could least afford to suffer these consequences — as I, my rocket-scientist brother, and countless others can attest, education is the key to escaping poverty.
QUOTE:I have been warning the American public about these devastating effects on our children for the better part of two years now. Early in the pandemic, it was obvious to anyone who actually sat down and looked at the data, rather than acting on fear and propaganda, that children were not at risk from this virus nearly to the degree that adults were, never mind older adults with co-morbidities, who are overwhelmingly the victims of the disease.
QUOTE:Despite the incredible costs these policy makers and pundits imposed on our children, all is not lost. The American people appear to be realizing, slowly, that bureaucrats act in the interests of bureaucrats, not the public, and that unions act in the interests of unions, not the public.
The mass exodus from states that continue to choose restriction over freedom is happening for a reason. The mass exodus from public schools is happening for a reason. Ultimately, Americans always choose liberty over tyranny.
5.) “Dr. Zelenko: “Zinc Is The Bullet – It Kills The Virus. The Only Problem Is That The Bullet Doesn’t Get To The Place Where It Needs To Be”
“Zinc is the bullet – it kills the virus. The only problem is the bullet doesn’t get to the place where it needs to be.The virus is inside the cell. The enzyme is inside the cell. And the zinc on its own cannot get into the cell. You have a bullet without a gun – useless.Now, it turns out there’s a class of medications called ‘zinc ionophores’ or a class of substances called ‘zinc ionophores’ — what they do — is they open up a channel, a door, which allows zinc to go from outside the cell to inside the cell.There are four of them that are readily available – two of them are prescription and two of them are over-the-counter.
The two prescription ones everyone has heard of: Hydroxycholorquine and Ivermection.They’re the guns that shoot the bullet. The bullet then gets into the cell and stops the virus enzyme from helping the virus replicate.So you have a gun and bullet. Only the synergy of the two creates a functioning unit.S in april of last year, Cuomo issued an executive order that was directly targeting me and my patients – because I was the only one in the state doing it. Where pharmacies would not dispense hydroxychloroquine to patients. So all of a sudden, I had a gun and a bullet approach, but…he took away the zinc delivery system — at least he took away access to my patients.So I was forced by necessity to innovate. I did more research, and on the NIH servers of all places, I found papers saying a substance called quercetin is a zinc delivery system, as well. It’s a zinc ionophore.To be honest, I’d never heard of quercetin. So I googled it and I see it’s over-the-counter.That was one of the most significant realizations in my life and probably in humanity.
Why do I say that? Because now there was a cure for tyranny.There are two risk factors for dying from COVID: It’s the doctor you choose and the government you live under. Besides that, there’s no reason a person should die from COVID.Now, you don’t need a doctor and now you don’t need permission from the government. You can go to a pharmacy or go to a supermarket and buy an over-the-counter option of quercetin together with Zinc and Vitamin C and Vitamin D.Together it creates a very powerful immune-boosting nutritional supplement. According to the FDA, I’m not allowed to make any claims except that it’s an immune booster and nutritional supplement. So what I’m going to say is the following: Quercetin and Vitamin C together form a functioning zinc ionophore — a zinc delivery system. Zinc is what it delivers, so you actually need zinc as well. You need the gun and the bullet.And Vitamin D – the studies all show – Vitamin D3 levels between 50 and 70 virtually eliminate hospitalizations or admissions in the intensive care unit. It optimizes their immune you need Vitamin D, then you need Zinc, which is the bullet. And then to form a functioning gun, you need Vitamin C and quercetin…Patients were having trouble sourcing it, because it was four different ingredients that weren’t always available in the same place. They had trouble finding the right doses.It was a puzzle that was a little too complex for people to put together.
So I was asked as a necessity — as a favor to people — to produce something that has everything in one package. It made sense to me, so with the help of my colleagues, we were able to produce a substance — a compound called Z-Stack that has Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and most importantly has quercetin and zinc.”