1.) An action-packed week:

2.) Canada Confirms: The Acceleration of Death Correlates With the Shots
3.) Silent no more: The story that must be told about the COVID vaccine in NZ
4.) The WEF Enthusiastic in 2018 About Drugs Patterned on Snake Venom
As we all know, Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum lies somewhere near the root of the planet-wide attack on civil and personal liberties via the covid crisis.
Of interest is the fact that way back in 2018, the WEF was “innocently” celebrating the use of snake venom in pharmaceutical preparations and applications. In light of the current snake venom hypothesis as the possible genetic origin of covid, the mRNA injections, and remdesivir, the article below is relevant.
Bear in mind this link takes you to the website of the World Economic Forum itself, not to a secondary source such as commentators and analysts produce.
As always, the WEF signals its true nature to those who look closely enough.