3.) Silent no more: The story that must be told about the COVID vaccine in NZ
4.) The WEF Enthusiastic in 2018 About Drugs Patterned on Snake Venom
As we all know, Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum lies somewhere near the root of the planet-wide attack on civil and personal liberties via the covid crisis. Of interest is the fact that way back in 2018, the WEF was “innocently” celebrating the use of snake venom in pharmaceutical preparations and applications. In light of the current snake venom hypothesis as the possible genetic origin of covid, the mRNA injections, and remdesivir, the article below is relevant. Bear in mind this link takes you to the website of the World Economic Forum itself, not to a secondary source such as commentators and analysts produce. As always, the WEF signals its true nature to those who look closely enough.
1.) Upcoming events – if you are headed to the town hall in Hot Springs, please plan to be there in your seat by 5:30. It starts at 6 and will be televised.
Dr Bryan Ardis, new documentary, “Watch the Water.” MUST WATCH
3.) The Full Scoop on the Investigation into Clinton Campaign Lawyer Michael Sussman
40 minute fast-paced video from Epoch Times digs into the legal details and reveals that the efforts of the 2016 Clinton campaign to discredit Trump are real and not far from public disclosure via federal indictment.
Re-Open Arkansas endorsesWayne LongHouse District 39
Republican voters along Highway 67 from Judsonia through Newport will soon decide a three-way race for State Representative. They have an opportunity to improve from their current state rep, who voted against small businesses and school choice, to a 100% liberty-minded candidate, Wayne Long. Mr. Long supports complete school choice, an elimination of the state income tax, and state sovereignty. He will stand strongly against any future public health mandates. In his work on the Jackson County Quorum Court, he introduced and passed a pro-life resolution, stood against a sales tax increase, and organized a rally against mask mandates. We believe Mr. Long will bring that kind of bold conservative leadership to the Arkansas State Capitol. That’s why Reopen Arkansas endorses Wayne Long for State Representative in district 39.
Long policy positions important to Reopen Arkansas:
3.) This week, Defending the Republic responded to the Biden Administration’s latest attempt to deny military service members their constitutional and statutory rights to refuse the experimental COVID-19 injections.
The case – Bongiovanni v. Austin – involves the violation of our clients’ rights to refuse experimental and unproven injections under the First Amendment and Religious Freedom Restoration Act. The latest motion filed by Defending the Republic argues in support of an injunction to prevent the government from discharging or disciplining these brave military service members, pending the results of litigation.
The relief requested by Defending the Republic is consistent with court decisions across the country, which recognize the ongoing harm to service members’ religious liberties and the systemic discrimination faced by those who have religious objections to these injections.
Unfortunately, the government opposes such reasonable steps to protect the rights of our military’s heroes. The Biden Administration would rather see these patriots – who have sacrificed so much for their country – removed from the military for living consistent with their principles.
Our veterans deserve better, and Defending the Republic will continue to fight for them every step of the way.
1.) Persistent heart abnormalities, teens, new study
A new peer-reviewed study published March 25 in the Journal of Pediatrics showed more than two-thirds of adolescents with COVID vaccine-related myopericarditis had persistent heart abnormalities months after their initial diagnosis — raising concerns for potential long-term effects. Researchers at Seattle Children’s Hospital reviewed cases that occurred between April 1, 2021, and Jan. 7, 2022, of patients younger than 18 who presented to the hospital with chest pain and an elevated serum troponin level within one week of receiving a second dose of Pfizer’s vaccine. While 35 patients fit the criteria, 19 were excluded for various reasons. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the remaining 16 patients was performed three to eight months after they were first examined. The MRIs showed 11 had persistent abnormal findings and late gadolinium enhancement (LGE), although levels were lower than in previous months. According to the study, “The presence of LGE is an indicator of cardiac injury and fibrosis and has been strongly associated with worse prognosis in patients with classical acute myocarditis.” Pfizer’s COVID vaccine less effective against Omicron for children 12 and older Pfizer’s COVID vaccine showed “reduced effectiveness” against the Omicron variant among children 12 and older, according to a study published Wednesday in The New England Journal of Medicine. The study, funded by the CDC, involved 1,185 patients, 88% of whom were unvaccinated. During the “Delta-predominant period” (July 1 to Dec. 18, 2021), researchers reported vaccine effectiveness against hospitalization for COVID among adolescents 12 to 18 years old was 93% two to 22 weeks after vaccination. During the “Omicron-predominant period” (Dec. 19, 2021, to Feb. 17), among adolescents in the same age group, vaccine effectiveness fell to 40% against hospitalization for COVID, 79% against critical COVID and 20% against noncritical COVID. This group’s median interval since vaccination was 162 days. The study did not assess effectiveness of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine against the BA.2 Omicron sub-variant, which is now the most dominant strain in the U.S. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/heart-damage-teens-after-second-pfizer-shot/ https://www.jpeds.com/article/S0022-3476(22)00282-7/fulltext#%20