1.) Upcoming Doc events:

2.) 2022: The Year of the Parent Party
If 2010 was the year of the Tea Party, 2022 is the year of the Parent Party. Just ask NPR/PBS. According to their new poll, 60 percent of parents with children under the age of 18 say they would currently vote Republican, with only 32 percent preferring to vote Democrat. This political sea change is unprecedented, as parents have traditionally trusted that the Democratic Party had their children’s educational interests at heart.
Parents are going to make their voices heard in 2022. Where they might otherwise be busy with their careers or their kids’ extracurricular activities, they will now be working together to fight back against those that have been holding education hostage for decades. Instead of the top-of-the-ticket candidates for the Senate and governor driving people to the polls and grabbing the headlines, campaign contributions, and volunteers in 2022, the grassroots will be coalescing around school board races.
We live in the United States of America where parents have a right to be involved in the education of their children, not Nazi Germany or communist Russia where the government had complete control over the education of the children. The curtain has been pulled back on the political agenda of the so-called “experts” and school board members in charge of our education system. As a result, parents have started to elect candidates who will put their children first and limit the power of unelected bureaucrats to make decisions on local levels. The mama bears are shaking things up.