Monday Update (10/31)

1.) Stop re-electing incumbent school board members!

By: Chris Stafford

SCHOOL BOARD ELECTIONS and voting are ongoing and one of the most important votes you will make. Are your school board members actually serving your community’s most precious future resource – your children – or are they simply showing up for an hour once a month at meetings to rubber-stamp the superintendent’s and administration’s agenda?

How did they handle The Cold? Did they force-mask community kids damaging the language development of K and grade school children, and literacy development of Middle-High Schoolers, for years to come in the name of “feel good mitigation”?

Did they close your schools and force “remote learning” well beyond when it became known that youth are at statistically zero risk of serious effects from The Cold?

Did they educate themselves on the serious side-effects of the “inoculation” (that never stopped transmission) and risk-benefit profiles in youth and provide information to parents and youth to make informed decisions; or, did they blindly echo the “health” bureaucracies (mis)information and enact attendance, sports participation, and other policies that enticed youth at essentially no risk to participate in a trial medical intervention with serious harms known to be side effects, and long term effects unknown?

In most cases they all followed… not the “science”, but the bureaucracy seeking the multi-millions in printed dollars we’re all paying the price of inflation for currently. If your SB members didn’t serve the best interests of students when it was difficult and mattered the most – replace them.

2.) Rampant COVID-19 fraud points to a bigger problem with government spending

According to the US Department of Labor’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG), about $46 billion in pandemic unemployment benefits might have been paid to fraudsters.


4.) Laundering with Immunity: The Control Framework