Thursday Update (10/13)

Issue 4 – unlimited marijuana

On Wednesday marijuana advocate Melissa Fults hosted a press conference opposing marijuana Issue 4 at the Arkansas Capitol Building. Fults is a firm supporter of medical and recreational marijuana in Arkansas, but said she strongly opposes Issue 4.

In a statement, Fults said, “Issue 4 lets a greedy monopoly control marijuana in Arkansas. The way this measure distributes cultivator and dispensary licenses, the entire cannabis industry could be owned by as few as four to eight people who may not even live in Arkansas. That isn’t right.”

Fults pointed out that Issue 4 fails to expunge criminal records for drug offenders. “Issue 4 doesn’t expunge marijuana convictions. Growers will be making millions of dollars, and it will be legal for consumers to use marijuana, but the people whose lives have been ruined by marijuana convictions will continue to have their lives ruined by that criminal record.”

Fults said Issue 4 affects much more than recreational marijuana. “Under Issue 4, the same monopoly that controls marijuana cultivation would control hemp and CBD production as well. Issue 4’s definition of cannabis fails to exclude industrial hemp and CBD oil. This would take away hemp farmers’ licenses and put CBD stores out of business. Other states excluded hemp from their recreational cannabis laws, but Issue 4 fails to do that.”

Fults was joined by Family Council Action Committee Executive Director Jerry Cox, a longtime marijuana opponent. Cox released a statement, saying, “I’m pleased to be part of a bipartisan effort against marijuana amendment Issue 4. This amendment was cooked up by industry insiders from out of state. It writes a marijuana monopoly into our constitution. Issue 4 is the kind of swamp politics that Arkansans are sick of. Voters need to understand that even if you support marijuana legalization, Issue 4 isn’t the way to go.”

Wednesday Update (10/12)

1.) Judicial Watch Uncovers Biden Administration Propaganda Plan to Push COVID Vaccine

“Judicial Watch announced today that it received 249 pages of records from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) detailing the extensive media plans for a propaganda campaign to push the COVID-19 vaccine.”

2.) Pfizer executive admits COVID-19 vaccine was never tested to prevent transmission: ‘This is scandalous’

Friday Update (10/7)

1.) CDC Allocated $85 Million For Grants Requiring Schools To Start Student-Led Clubs For LGBT Youth

Thursday Update (10/6)

1.) Doctors Speak Out Against ‘Medical Totalitarianism’ as Newsom Signs Bill That Punishes Doctors for COVID ‘Misinformation’

California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Friday signed a bill that subjects the state’s doctors to discipline, including the suspension of their medical licenses, for sharing “misinformation” or “disinformation” about COVID-19 with their patients.

2.) Judicial Watch Uncovers Biden Administration Propaganda Plan to Push COVID Vaccine

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4.) Pfizer Is Now Experimenting With mRNA Flu Vaccines.

Wednesday Update (10/5)

1.) Pure Communist Tactics in California: California doctors could lose licenses for spreading unapproved COVID-19 info | Just The News

2.) Keep Libraries Safe! We are working with the legislature to hold woke librarians accountable to the taxpayers. If you find inappropriate books in the children’s section of your local library, please fill out this form and include a photo if available.

Tuesday Update (10/4)

1.) Biden phones hero Coast Guard diver to congratulate him for rescuing lives of Florida residents – just days before he will FIRE him for being unvaccinated as 20,000 members of military face axe

2.) The 70 Seconds that Shook the World – MUST READ article on 3/16/20 lockdowns

3.) The FDA Misled the Public About Ivermectin and Should Be Accountable in Court, Argues the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS)

Monday Update (10/3)

1.) Outsourced censorship: Feds used private entity to target millions of social posts in 2020

Biden administration gave millions in tax dollars to groups after election, records show. Election Integrity Partnership says it had 35% success rate getting tech platforms to label, remove or restrict content.

2.) NYC: Judge rules vaccine mandate invalid for PBA members

A judge has ruled that New York City’s COVID vaccine mandate is invalid as it applies to members of the Police Benevolent Association.

3.) CDC drops universal masking guideline for healthcare workers

4.) COVID-19 Vaccine mRNA now found in breastmilk

And – details on these test results being withheld from the public