The Republican National Committee will vote on a new Chairman in January. Three are running:
- Current chairwoman since 2017, Ronna Romney McDaniel, anti-Trumper and niece of RINO Mitt Romney
- Mike Lindell, patriot activist and owner of My Pillow
- Harmeet Dhillon, election integrity lawyer
168 members of the RNC vote on the chair. Three of these are from Arkansas.
- Jonathan Barnett
As a Republican voter, you have standing to contact these members and campaign for the candidate of your choice. Please contact all three delegates this week. They might vote multiple times until the required number of votes is achieved; therefore, if your first choice isn’t selected, your second choice could be. It is important that we let our Arkansas delegates know how we feel. Here is a sample email:
Subject: Say NO to another Ronna Romney McDaniel term!
As an Arkansas Republican voter and member of the ___________ County Republican Committee, I urge you to vote against another term for Ronna Romney McDaniel at the RNC convention in January. We must elect either Harmeet Dhillon or Mike Lindell to restore fiscal discipline and fight for election integrity at the national level.
For liberty,
<<< your name>>>
<<< your city >>>
I sent all three emails on behalf of all 4 voters in our family 💯