CALL TO ACTION: Drag Performances


SB 43 by Senator Gary Stubblefield and Representative Mary Bentley would classify drag performances as an adult-oriented business. This is one step toward protecting our kids from these performances at schools, libraries, and coffee houses. The Senate City, County, and Local Affairs Committee passed the bill on January 19th, and the full Senate passed it on January 24th.

read the bill here:


Please contact the House Republicans members prior to Monday the 30th. Plainly but politely tell them you are FOR SB43 to protect our kids. If you have limited time, at least text and / or email your OWN state representative. There is no need to contact Senators on this bill, because they have already passed it.

All legislative contact info (phone numbers & email addresses) is posted under ‘Contact Lists’ in both PDF and downloadable Excel formats:

Note: commenting here is fine, but we are NOT sending your comments to the legislators for you. You will need to click the contact lists link and send your own texts and emails.

27 Replies to “CALL TO ACTION: Drag Performances”

  1. Please protect our children from this satanic act of forcing them into this lifestyle 🙏

  2. Please protect our children and vote to ban these terrible pedophile events! I am mom of three children!

  3. There is no educational value in a drag show. Me, my kids or my grandkids would never consider attending one. Stop pushing this perversion on our kids using our tax funded buildings. It is illegal on so many levels.

  4. This kind of activity is terrible and should never be allowed to be around children. If our government allows these abnormally behaviors to be displayed or approved then the officials that supports should be removed from office.

  5. I support this bill. Please do not allow this type of mess around our children.
    Keep this type stuff away from our children please.

    Gail Walker

  6. Please please do not allow our children to be exposed to these behaviors. Though they are trying to make this “normal”; it’s not ok. Please protect our children from this lifestyle.
    (Mom to 9)

  7. This is a situation where the citizens should not have to say please. Allowing drag shows fro kids or in public is asking to playing with fire or saying that fire is not hot. The drag folks are sick and demonic they need help.

    1. Agree! However, the legislators need encouragement and to hear from conservatives as they seem to only be hearing from the loud left who are paid to show up and testify. Please help by texting or emailing. An action call was posted with more information today.

  8. Why would someone allow mentally disturbed people access to our children in the first place. Teachers unions are bad enough for our schools.

  9. Please stop this evil that’s being pushed upon our kids. As a mom and grandmother I don’t want this pushed on our children. I pray 🙏 that you can stop this

    1. Please text or email the legislators. They need encouragement and to hear from conservatives as they seem to only be hearing from the loud left. An action call was posted with more information today.

  10. Please protect our children! It’s ridiculous that we even have to do this. But please vote on this bill!

    1. Agree! However, the legislators need encouragement and to hear from conservatives as they seem to only be hearing from the loud left. Please text or email them. An action call was posted with more information today.

  11. I am for SB43….I feel very strongly that our children should be protected from exposure to drag shows. I am a grandmother to 11.

  12. Please all contact your legislators about these bills! They won’t know if we don’t all contact them. Scott posted the link to the committee list above.

  13. Please don’t let our children and for me grandchildren be subject to this behavior. Do something now. God will protect your position if you do what’s right not what’s easy

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