We now have contact info for JPs in all 75 counties. Tell them, “I support a return to paper ballots in _________ County. I do not trust voting computers.” Be sure to contact every JP in your county. Remember, they all work for you, the taxpayers.
These are links to the compiled contact information. Click the link for your county. Then, you’ll need to email and / or text each JP on the list. Remember, leaving comments on this page is fine, but we do not submit your comments for you. It is best that they come from individual voters.
Excel: https://reopenarkansas.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/JP-Contact-Lists-final.xls
PDF: https://reopenarkansas.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/JP-Contact-Lists-PDF-1.pdf

For more information on paper ballots vs. voting computers, visit: https://arkansasvii.org
This video lays out the case against voting computers. Feel free to share it: https://rumble.com/v24xhdu-colonel-conrad-reynolds-speaking-at-the-scrws-meeting-11023.html
I live in Arkansas County. I definitely believe the machines need to be removed an go back to paper ballots.
For Baxter County, Rick Steiner, his email address came back to me. Looked and here is the correct one: baxcojp3@gmail.com
Thank you so much for making this so much easier on US! NONE of us have ANY excuse NOT to contact those that represent us!