1.) Yesterday, the House State Agencies Committee passed Rep. Mary Bentley’s Secret Meetings Bill, HB1610. The next chance is stop this bad bill, which allows 1/3 of a city council, quorum court, or school board to meet in secret is TODAY. The full House may pass HB1610 this afternoon. You can TEXT your state representative or call the IN-SESSION number and ask that a message be hand carried to him to vote AGAINST HB1610.

Individual contact info: https://reopenarkansas.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/2023-legislators-all-by-name-PDF.pdf
2.) Because of the public outrage and incredible testimony from patriots across the state, HB1726 (the FOIA killer bill), FAILED in committee. Watch for it to re-appear, but for now, this was a rare win for the people.
Representatives who voted FOR the bill: (tell them you disapprove of their vote)
Beck, Bentley, Berry, Carr, Underwood
Representatives who voted AGAINST the bill: (thank them for standing for the people)
McElroy, Clowney, Crawford, Jean, Moore, Richmond, Scott, Womack, Gonzales