Members of the state committee of the Republican Party of Arkansas have an opportunity on August 19th to elect a long-term leader for the party. Sarah Dunklin is the ultimate representative of “We the People.” She stands firmly on the party platform and brings years of strong leadership experience to the table, having worked tirelessly for her county, district, and the state. Sarah has an unparalleled, proven track record of working for the people and advancing Republican party principles. Sarah 100% supports medical freedom, religious and personal liberty, and parental rights. She has been a leading voice for closed primaries, so that Democrats can no longer choose Republican nominees. Sarah is ready to lead immediately with no learning curve or ramp-up period. She has volunteered to serve the party for free, taking no salary for the position. This election is an opportunity for the party to represent the people rather than the establishment. No individual is more qualified to lead the Republican Party of Arkansas than Sarah Dunklin. That’s why Reopen Arkansas enthusiastically and formally endorses Sarah Dunklin for Chairman of the Republican Party of Arkansas.