Troubling Moderna Documents obtained by FOIA

  • On January 24, 2022 (approximately one week before the FDA announced its approval of Spikevax), Moderna informed the FDA that it had “no plan to produce BLA [biologics license application] SPIKEVAX labelled material.” This is significant for a number of reasons. First, BLA vaccines are subject to stricter testing and safety standards than Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) vaccines. Second, United States armed service members were mandated by Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin to receive COVID-19 vaccines; he could only issue this order if the vaccines were “FDA approved.” However, the FDA (and the Department of Defense) knew that Moderna would not be providing the “approved” vaccines to the military. Third, it misled the public that they were getting “approved” vaccines while actually receiving EUA vaccines approved under lesser standards.
  • Moderna records revealed the trial participants that acquired shingles (Herpes Zoster) soon after receiving the vaccine. For example, a 49 year-old female test subject had shingles approximately 10 days after receiving the second shot of the Moderna vaccine. Another participant, a 67 year-old female, was diagnosed with shingles only 3 days after receiving the first Moderna shot.
  • In one table submitted to the FDA, Moderna concluded that the vast majority of “Adverse Events of Herpes Zoster” were not related to its vaccine. Exactly how those suspicious and self-serving determinations were made is unknown.
  • The FDA noted “an imbalance of herpes zoster cases in the mRNA-1273 arm versus the placebo arm.”
  • For trial participants who received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, “The majority of [herpes zoster] events occurred after the 1st dose (43.9%) with 19.3% of all events occurring <7 days after the first dose.”
  • One Moderna spreadsheets submitted to the FDA indicated a disturbing number of “less serious” adverse events within 10 days of vaccination, including fever, vomiting, chills, and gland swelling.
  • Spreadsheets detailing trial participants who received the Moderna vaccine and developed swelling of the lymph nodes. There were excess reports of lymphadenopathy (swollen lymph nodes) as compared to the placebo.

Read the documents for yourself, here: