1.) Arkansas PBS
We’ve all known for a long time that PBS pushes a leftist agenda, which mocks Christians and rejects conservative Arkansas values. With an ever-increasing 14.5 million dollar taxpayer-funded budget, Arkansas PBS is bloated with left-wing staffers and an ample supply of tax dollars to purchase and produce programming which is inconsistent with Arkansas values. They offer no accountability to the taxpayers, no verifiable audience statistics, and no tangible educational outcomes. A group of Arkansas state senators will make a strong effort this week to begin the process of defunding Arkansas PBS. Frankly, if their programming is so popular, then they should be able to self-fund through sponsorships and donations. The taxpayers shouldn’t be on the hook to push their left-wing political agenda.
We need you to call, text, and email your state senator and state rep. Tell them you support the 25% reduction in the Arkansas PBS budget. A vote could be taken in the House as early as this Monday, February 28th, with the senate to follow later in the week.
Legislative contact lists: https://reopenarkansas.org/contact-lists/
Arkansas PBS budget:
2.) Doc Washburn for Governor
On Friday, we the people were successful in getting Doc Washburn on the ballot for Governor of Arkansas. Now, it is important to increase his name recognition around the state, especially outside of Central Arkansas. Please drop Doc’s name and website everywhere possible, especially in the comments on other political and news station pages. Let’s tell the rest of the state what we already know – that Doc Washburn will finally reform Arkansas government, slash out of control spending, drastically cut taxes, and most importantly preserve and protect our liberty – including our God-given rights to breathe freely and make our own medical decisions. electdocwashburn.com http://docwashburnshow.com https://reopenarkansas.org/2022/02/15/doc-washburn-endorsement/
3.) Upcoming events
Feel free to notify us of any town halls, meet and greets, or other political events in your area. If it involves our Reopen endorsed candidates (or those pending endorsement), we will be happy to promote the event. You may click the ‘Submit’ tab on the website or send us an email.
4.) Stay involved
Be sure you are checking your spam folder, as many of our email blasts will be filtered out as spam. Also subscribe to text alerts for urgent action calls. We continue to update the website daily with the latest news and action calls, and our Facebook group is very active with sometimes lively discussion.
Thank you for everything you are doing to help us help the Great State of Arkansas and her citizens!
Thank you!
Thank you for all the hard work