1.) 5 Ways Democrat Policies Work To Destroy Children’s Lives
Once again, children have become objects unworthy of life, protection, or tutelage. What kind of society does this to children?
Americans who would sacrifice anything to protect their children may be surprised to learn that their inclination is a rather modern phenomenon. For most of human history, the most dangerous period of any person’s life was childhood. Only if a newborn survived the first decade of disease, warfare, hunger, and all the other mundane threats to ordinary human existence would the survivor gain any type of social recognition.
O.M. Bakke explores this reality in his book, “When Children Became People: The Birth of Childhood in Early Christianity.” Before the spread of Christianity transformed prevailing cultural beliefs, children had no legal standing in the pagan societies of the Roman Empire and elsewhere.
In human history, it has been normal for unwanted babies to be aborted, smothered, or abandoned to wildlife. Parents could beat or kill their children at will. Children were routinely sold into slavery. And it was quite ordinary for adults to use low-class or enslaved children as sexual playthings.
Christianity revolutionized the way Western society thought of children. They gained recognition, inherent value, and special focus. Rather than seen as burdens not worthy of consideration until they could contribute to a family’s survival, children became blessings deserving of protection, education, and guidance. As Bakke concludes of this momentous change in Western history: children became people.
Today, we sadly are witnessing the reverse of this civilizational achievement. Once again, children have become objects unworthy of life, protection, or tutelage.
Their mere right to exist is balanced against a mother’s right to convenience. Their childhoods have become sexualized. Their education has been abandoned and replaced with regimens of indoctrination that make them easy targets for governments, corporations, and predators to exploit.
Right before our eyes, those with power are stripping American children of their personhood. Here are five ways I see this clearly happening in our society right now.
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