There are my subjective notes from Thursday night’s Asa / Romero fest in Cabot:
1.) Asa started the conference by claiming that we are past mandates, that there will be no jab or mask mandates going forward. Of course, what he didn’t tell you is that the corporations will do his dirty work for him.
2.) The room was full with NO opposition. Legislators, bureaucrats, local officials, Chamber of Commerce, non-profit heads filled the room; all perfectly staged.
3.) Many audience members prefaced their questions (more remarks than questions) with shout outs to Asa, telling him what a great job he has done managing the state through the crisis. Some even congratulated him on his governors association appointment.
4.) 90% of hospitalizations are not fully jabbed; 95% of deaths (No source given, nor was it questioned.)
5.) No treatment options discussed other than hospitalizations and jabs as a preventative measure.
6.) Asa held up an email from Secure Arkansas, made fun of them, and called their list of questions conspiracy theories.
7.) The average age of hospitalizations has decreased by ten years since the jabs have become readily available.
8.) Romero said that this current virus is very different from the original virus, but he gave no explanation as to how the jabs (created to prevent the original virus) would still be effective on a “very different” virus.
9.) The head of the Lonoke County Republican Party spoke in full agreement with the jabs and Asa’s handling of the situation. She practically begged for a third jab to protect her from the variants. She also insisted that public be educated on how to properly equip themselves with PPE.
10.) Romero: people who have had the virus need the jab, because the jab provides better than natural immunity
11.) Asa and Romero are pushing White House and CDC / FDA to formally approve jabs in order to eliminate “experimental” excuse. Suggested that kids will then be able to take the jab without their parents’ knowledge or consent. (A questioner was concerned that parents conservative values are preventing the woke children from getting jabbed.)
12.) One questioner asked about compensation for injuries caused by the jabs. Romero quickly pointed out that it is very easy to be compensated through a federal program in the event you are injured. He said all you have to do is get your doctor to agree. He made a really big deal about how truly simple this process supposedly is.
13.) Asa concluded by saying that the other states could learn from how he has handled the situation. (His arm must be really tired from reaching around to pat himself on the back!)
The whole thing reminded me of a North Korean-style focus group instead of a true public forum. Get ready to contact your legislators again. We will provide further details soon.