Scientists Call for Global Moratorium on mRNA Vaccines, Immediate Removal From Childhood Schedule

QUOTE: A review paper published last week in the journal Cureus is the first peer-reviewed paper to call for a global moratorium on the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. The authors say that reanalyzed data from the vaccine makers’ trials and high rates of serious post-injection injuries indicate the mRNA gene therapy vaccines should not have been authorized for use.

Governments should endorse a global moratorium on mRNA vaccines until all questions about their safety have been thoroughly investigated, according to the authors of a new, peer-reviewed article on the COVID-19 vaccine trials and the global vaccination campaign published last week in Cureus, Journal of Medical Science.

Cureus is a web-based peer-reviewed open-access general medical journal using prepublication peer review.

The authors surveyed published research on the pharmaceutical companies’ vaccine trials and related adverse events. They also called for the COVID-19 vaccines to be removed immediately from the childhood immunization schedule.

Evidence also shows the products never underwent adequate safety and toxicological testing, and since the vaccine rollout, researchers have identified a significant number of adverse events (AEs) and serious adverse events (SAEs).

They also called for the vaccines to be immediately removed from the childhood immunization schedule and for the suspension of the boosters.

“It is unethical and unconscionable to administer an experimental vaccine to a child who has a near-zero risk of dying from COVID-19 (IFR, 0.0003%) but a well-established 2.2% risk of permanent heart damage based on the best prospective data available,” they wrote.

Finally, the authors called for a full investigation into misconduct by the pharmaceutical companies and the regulatory agencies.

Troubling Moderna Documents obtained by FOIA

  • On January 24, 2022 (approximately one week before the FDA announced its approval of Spikevax), Moderna informed the FDA that it had “no plan to produce BLA [biologics license application] SPIKEVAX labelled material.” This is significant for a number of reasons. First, BLA vaccines are subject to stricter testing and safety standards than Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) vaccines. Second, United States armed service members were mandated by Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin to receive COVID-19 vaccines; he could only issue this order if the vaccines were “FDA approved.” However, the FDA (and the Department of Defense) knew that Moderna would not be providing the “approved” vaccines to the military. Third, it misled the public that they were getting “approved” vaccines while actually receiving EUA vaccines approved under lesser standards.
  • Moderna records revealed the trial participants that acquired shingles (Herpes Zoster) soon after receiving the vaccine. For example, a 49 year-old female test subject had shingles approximately 10 days after receiving the second shot of the Moderna vaccine. Another participant, a 67 year-old female, was diagnosed with shingles only 3 days after receiving the first Moderna shot.
  • In one table submitted to the FDA, Moderna concluded that the vast majority of “Adverse Events of Herpes Zoster” were not related to its vaccine. Exactly how those suspicious and self-serving determinations were made is unknown.
  • The FDA noted “an imbalance of herpes zoster cases in the mRNA-1273 arm versus the placebo arm.”
  • For trial participants who received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, “The majority of [herpes zoster] events occurred after the 1st dose (43.9%) with 19.3% of all events occurring <7 days after the first dose.”
  • One Moderna spreadsheets submitted to the FDA indicated a disturbing number of “less serious” adverse events within 10 days of vaccination, including fever, vomiting, chills, and gland swelling.
  • Spreadsheets detailing trial participants who received the Moderna vaccine and developed swelling of the lymph nodes. There were excess reports of lymphadenopathy (swollen lymph nodes) as compared to the placebo.

Read the documents for yourself, here:

New Zealand’s COVID Data Analyst Has Smoking Gun Evidence on Vax Deaths

A whistleblower has found: 253 deaths from just 837 vaccine shots at one site. That’s a 30% death-rate.

Recently, a New Zealand Ministry of Health employee went public with a COVID vaccine database that proves the “vaccine” shots are actually killing people.

The whistleblower noticed that too many people were dying immediately after getting vaccinated for COVID. He called himself “Winston Smith” and he sat for an interview with Liz Gunn explaining the damning evidence from the COVID vaccine database.

Parents Score Win Against Rhode Island’s School Mask Mandate

QUOTE: Parents challenging Rhode Island’s school mask mandate scored a major court victory last week that will greatly impact how the state handles potential future public health outbreaks.

The legal saga began in September 2021, when several Rhode Island parents filed a complaint in Providence County Superior Court against Democrat Gov. Daniel McKee and Nicole Alexander-Scott, the director of Rhode Island’s Department of Health (RIDOH), over the state’s then-enacted school mask mandate. In response to the Covid outbreak, then-Democrat Gov. Gina Raimondo issued an executive order on March 9, 2020, declaring a state of emergency. From that date until July 2, 2021, Raimondo and McKee — who took office in March 2021 — issued a combined 78 executive orders related to Covid.

While McKee and RIDOH lifted the school mask mandate in March 2022, parties in the case continued to engage in litigation for the next year and a half. On Dec. 12, they agreed to a settlement that commits RIDOH to follow the normal regulatory process and hold public hearings “on whether masking in schools is efficacious and safe.”

Texas makes a stand against Big Pharma’s Covid vaccines

QUOTE:  Adam Creighton, Australian journalist and the Washington correspondent for The Australian wrote:
On the last day of November Texas launched extraordinary legal proceedings that could have wide-ranging political ramifications across the developed world.

Following a lengthy state investigation, Republican Attorney-General Ken Paxton sued pharmaceutical giant Pfizer for “false, deceptive, and misleading acts and practices” related to its Covid-19 vaccines.

Paxton didn’t mince words. “We are pursuing justice for the people of Texas, many of whom were coerced by tyrannical vaccine mandates to take a defective product sold by lies,” he said in his November 30 statement.

“The facts are clear. Pfizer did not tell the truth about their Covid-19 vaccines. Whereas the Biden administration weaponised the pandemic to force illegal public health decrees on the public and enrich pharmaceutical companies, I will use every tool I have to protect our citizens who were misled and harmed by Pfizer’s actions.”

The allegations make for shocking reading, even for someone who has followed the Covid wars closely.

Pfizer appears to have exaggerated the effectiveness of its vac­cines, making unfounded claims that routinely were parroted by governments, health officials and much of the mainstream media.

It’s not only Texans who have started to question the wisdom of forcing experimental vaccines with two months of clinical trial data on hundreds of millions of people. Australian academics Peter Parry and Peter Rhodes, in a forthcoming paper in journal Pathology – Research and Practice, lay out what they call “a historic public health disaster”.

Texas is suing under the state’s Deceptive Trade Practices Act. What’s on trial isn’t merely Pfizer but the institutions of governance in the developed world. If Texas wins, it will have highlighted perhaps the greatest medical fraud in history, and the abject failure of medical regulators on a scale at least as large as banking and financial regulators in 2008.


Aristotle wrote: Courage is the first virtue that makes all the other virtues possible.
We are seeing acts of courage and we pray for and encourage more.

The past week saw several cases of the left being caught in blatant violations of the First Amendment. When this happens, the left scurries to delete the evidence. They have been allowed to operate without challenge. That is changing. We pray that it happens faster.

Twitter(X)  contributor, DCDraino, put it well:
-Harvard deleted their website pages talking about DEI and racial segregation 
-IBM shut down its company chat room after execs were caught punishing workers for not excluding enough white men 
-Boston Mayor Wu apologized after getting caught throwing a party where white people weren’t allowed 

If DEI is so virtuous, why do they always delete evidence once their racism is exposed?

— Sidney Powell

US ‘intentionally released Covid virus in Wuhan’ EU summit told


The Covid-19 coronavirus was “intentionally released” by the United States in Wuhan, China, with the target to trigger a global pandemic to raise public acceptance of vaccines, a US businessman specializing in patent auditing said.

David Martin, the founding chairman of M Cam asset management company, said at an International Covid Summit organized by the European Parliament in Brussels earlier this month that the US was responsible for the making of both coronaviruses causing the outbreaks of severe acute respiratory syndrome – or SARS – in 2003 and the Covid-19 pandemic in the past three years.‘intentionally-released-Covid-virus-in-Wuhan’-EU-summit-told

Family says they saved dad’s life by sneaking him ivermectin during 200-day hospitalization

QUOTE: One man’s family took his care into their own hands when he was hospitalized with COVID-19. As a result, they believe they may have saved his life.

Shannon Fletcher, daughter of David Dentz, spoke with Liz Collin this week to share her dad’s story and long battle with COVID.

Dentz was hospitalized with COVID-19 for 208 days, one of the longest COVID stays in the state. Not until his family began slipping him ivermectin did his health begin to look up, Fletcher said.

Methodist Hospital’s protocols required doctors to not administer ivermectin, Fletcher said. Two weeks into Dentz’s hospital stay, Fletcher and her family were paying out of pocket for an advocate and an attorney, trying to get Dentz help the hospital would not provide.

They were not allowed to visit him during this time, and the family held a “Save Dave” protest outside of the facility. Fletcher believes her father, who was not vaccinated, received worse treatment than those who were vaccinated against COVID.

The hospital “shamed” the family when they didn’t want to give up on Dentz’s life, Fletcher said. Finally, Fletcher decided she wanted to bring ivermectin to her father and slip some in his mouth.

“There’s nothing that they’re going to do, and [they’re] already telling me he’s going to die, so we might as well try it,” Fletcher said.

After she succeeded once with the plan, her family continued sneaking ivermectin paste into Dentz’s mouth over the next five days.

“[The amount] was based on weight, so we took a small amount — and I know the media is going to put it down and call people crazy and this and that — but I don’t care because I believe he’s here for that reason,” Fletcher said.

“The day after we gave him ivermectin, Angie got a call and the doctor said she could not believe the progress that he was making. The very next day.”

Then Dentz was transferred out of the hospital to a specialist who said he was “overmedicated” and “over sedated,” according to Fletcher.

Over 200 days from his first admittance, Dentz was discharged. Fletcher said he struggles to breathe and has stage 3 kidney failure due to the remdesivir.
“Considering where we were, he’s doing amazing,” she said.

Doctors Can Sue FDA for Condemning Ivermectin as a COVID-19 Treatment, Resulting Reputational Harm

QUOTE: A federal appeals court allowed three doctors to sue the FDA over a series of website and social media posts condemning ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19. The doctors alleged the FDA exceeded its authority by offering medical advice and “that FDA’s messaging interfered with their own individual medical practice.”

The lawsuit stems from a series of FDA posts advising consumers not to take horse ivermectin but failing to acknowledge the existence of a human ivermectin formulation, including one tweet advising consumers, “Hold your horses, y’all”:

The trial court dismissed the doctors’ lawsuit after finding sovereign immunity barred their three claims. The appeals court reversed on one claim, finding plausible the argument the FDA exceeded its statutory authority by offering medical advice instead of medical information.

The firm Boyden Gray, which represents the doctors, issued a press release praising the decision: In a matter critical to stopping federal overreach into the practice of medicine, Boyden Gray PLLC welcomes a decision from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit . . . rejecting the government’s blanket assertion of sovereign immunity and allowing the case to proceed.

Dr. Robert Apter alleges he was twice referred to state medical boards for prescribing ivermectin off-label, with the referrals citing the FDA’s posts.

Dr. Apter and Dr. Mary Bowden allege pharmacies refused to fill their ivermectin prescriptions because of the FDA’s posts. Dr. Bowden claims she lost admitting privileges at a hospital after tweeting about using ivermectin to treat COVID-19.

Dr. Paul Marik, co-leader of FLCCC, alleges he lost positions at a medical school and hospital “for promoting the use of ivermectin.”