Paper ballots in Spalding County, Georgia
QUOTE: The Board held a specially called meeting and voted to execute a hand count using the human-readable portion of the ballots for all future Spalding elections. The hand count would then be compared to the counts reported by the machines. If the hand count does not match the machine count, the election would not be certified.
On July 10th, residents and members of the Spalding Board of Elections were shown how hand counting proceeses could be efficiently used in Spalding elections.
The next day during the Board of Election meeting, a Board member moved that Spalding commit to using only voting processes that could be human verified and that would increase voter confidence in the elections. That motion was ultimately tabled in order to provide public notice prior to consideration of such a step.
Since Dominion voting machines produce ballots that include bar codes which are not human-readable they would not satisfy the requirements of that motion, consequently the County would likely have to choose another method of voting – perhaps hand marked ballots and hand counting. One speaker this evening pointed out that a U.S. District Court found Secretary of State Raffensperger’s claims “not credible.”
During public comments, a number of speakers from counties across Georgia, provided examples of erroneous voter registrations, “phantom” voters, and votes cast by people who had previously died.
During the hand counting demonstration, attendees were shown simple systems which facilitate counting by teams of two people – one democrat and one republican. The process for each team is videotaped from above and cross-checked after each batch. Any concern could be quickly reviewed via the video and corrected in a few seconds. Each hand count workstation uses readily available technology and is said to cost of fraction of the thousands in cost represented by each current voting machine.
Earlier this year, the City of Milton voted to stop using Fulton County to administer their elections after reviewed a study of the cost of voting. They found that by moving away from elections using machines (administered by Fulton County) the City could capture a savings of $250,000 in the first year.
Christians Arrested For Maskless Outdoor Church Service To Get $300,000 From Liberal College Town
QUOTE: A liberal college town announced that it would pay $300,000 to a group of Christians in Idaho who were arrested for holding an outdoor church service without wearing masks during the pandemic.
The city of Moscow, Idaho — home to the University of Idaho — announced the settlement in the churchgoers’ civil lawsuit last week.
Three churchgoers with Christ Church sued the city after they were arrested in September 2020 at an outdoor “psalm sing” with their church outside Moscow City Hall. The singing protest lasted about 20 minutes. Gabriel Rench and Sean and Rachel Bohnet filed the suit in March 2021, alleging that their First and Fourth Amendments rights were violated.
Footage of the arrests went viral on social media and showed police officers taking Rench’s hymnal away from him before handcuffing him and taking him and the two other people to the county jail. The three were detained at the jail for several hours.
Then-president Donald Trump condemned the arrests at the time, tweeting that Democrats want to shut churches down “permanently.”
The three were charged with violating the city’s public health emergency ordinance, but a judge dismissed the city’s case against them.
A federal judge later denied the city’s request to dismiss the lawsuit from the three people arrested, noting that the city’s pandemic ordinance had an exception for activities protected by the Idaho and U.S. constitutions, such as religious services. The judge said the three never should have been arrested in the first place.
“Somehow, every single City official involved overlooked the exclusionary language [of constitutionally protected behavior] in the Ordinance,” the judge wrote.
Christ Church is a congregation of about 1,000 people and part of the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches.
The Facebook Files: The Effort To Censor Vaccine Information
Republican Representative Jim Jordan released what he called “smoking-gun documents” on social media proving that Facebook had been censoring Americans on behalf of the Biden administration.
Clinical Trial Documents Suggest Moderna Skimped on Autopsies, Discounted Serious Injuries
QUOTE: The documents, previously submitted by Moderna to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as part of the licensing process for Moderna’s Spikevax COVID-19 vaccine, included details on unexplained deaths and fetal abnormalities in animal studies.
A 13,685-page tranche of documents related to Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials released Tuesday contain details about the deaths of 16 trial participants, the prevalence of severe adverse events (SAEs) and other abnormalities.
The documents, previously submitted by Moderna to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as part of the licensing process for Moderna’s Spikevax COVID-19 vaccine, also exposed an “utter lack of thoroughness” in how the trials were conducted, according to Defending the Republic (DTR), a Dallas-based nonprofit that obtained the documents via a a still-pending Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against Moderna.
The documents, shared with The Defender in advance of their public release, are the first set of “Moderna documents” to be released as part of the lawsuit — with approximately 8,000 more pages expected to follow later this year.
Travis Miller, a Fort Worth-based attorney representing DTR, told The Defender, “These documents include over 13,500 pages relating to serious adverse event listings that document injuries — such as shingles and Bell’s palsy and other more serious conditions — which we believe may be related to the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine.”
DTR also received documents describing experiments involving mRNA injections on rats in 2017-2018, prior to the onset of COVID-19. Miller told The Defender these studies revealed fetal abnormalities in pregnant rats.
Dr. Meryl Nass, an internist, biological warfare epidemiologist and member of the Children’s Health Defense scientific advisory committee, said the Moderna clinical trial data bear similarities to the outcomes seen in the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine trials, and raise several questions about safety and liability.
Libraries in Montgomery County, TX to add more conservative books, restrict children’s access
These Texans get it:
QUOTE: Montgomery County Commissioners Court met July 11 to address dozens of concerned citizen requests regarding certain library book materials that are allowed on the shelves within the county’s library system.
Lisa Palmer said she was offended by the lack of conservative books in the library.
“We’re a conservative county,” she said. “This is not that hard. We are supposed to protect our kids. This woke agenda is not to make people feel good; this is really an agenda to sexualize our kids at a young age. We have laws that say you can’t smoke a cigarette until you are 21 years old because you don’t know the effects it will have on you in the future. But you are going to let these kids be exposed to books?”
Idaho Republicans Urge State Libraries To Ditch American Library Association After It Promoted Porn To Kids
QUOTE: More than a dozen Republican lawmakers in the Idaho legislature are calling on the state’s library commission to cut ties with the American Library Association (ALA) over the latter’s Marxist programming and promotion of sexually explicit material.
On Monday, 13 members of the legislature’s Freedom Caucus released a statement urging the Idaho Commission for Libraries and all “local and school libraries” to terminate membership with the ALA.
“We have significant concerns about the election of Emily Drabinski, a self-described ‘Marxist-lesbian,’ as the next president of the ALA,” lawmakers said. “Her election raises issues about libraries’ involvement in exposing children to explicit materials and injecting hard-left politics and sexuality into publicly funded libraries.”
Drabinski, who was elected ALA president in April last year, celebrated her triumphant victory with a poston social media.
“I just cannot believe that a Marxist lesbian who believes that collective power is possible to build and can be wielded for a better world is the president-elect of [the ALA],” she wrote on Twitter. “I am so excited for what we will do together. Solidarity!”
Idaho Freedom Caucus members outlined a series of complaints with Drabinski’s leadership that lawmakers say warrants a separation from state and local libraries.
15,000 pages on Moderna adverse events
As a result of Defending the Republic’s (DTR) successful Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) litigation against the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), we are excited to announce that we are releasing nearly 15,000 pages of documents relating to testing and adverse events associated with Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine “Spikevax.”
Germany to Scrap Up to 200 Million COVID-19 Vaccines.
Germany has thrown away 83 million vaccine doses and is preparing to scrap another 120 million at a cost of around €4 billion ($4.5bn) after the number of Germans willing to get “boosters” has plummeted.
Tucker Carlson: “Any Country That Has Electronic Voting Machines is by Definition at Risk of Having its Elections Stolen”
QUOTE: Tucker Carlson sat down for an interview with Russel Brand to talk about a variety of topics.
Tucker Carlson spoke highly of Trump and said he “loves” the former president.
“I think looking back on this, ten years from now, assuming we’re still around, I think we’re going to see Trump’s emergence as the most significant thing to happen in American politics in 100 years because he reoriented the Republican Party against the wishes of Republican leaders,” Tucker said.
Tucker also spoke freely on the dangers of voting machines in US elections.
He was unable to speak freely on this topic at Fox News because Dominion Voting Systems filed a defamation suit against the outlet to shut down the conversation.
Tucker spoke out against electronic voting machines. … “Any country that has electronic voting machines is by definition at risk of having its elections stolen. No country that cared about democracy will have electronic voting machines,” Tucker Carlson said.