Lake Hamilton administrator begs for jabs

By: Mischelle Coston

This is the kind of nonsensical sh$t people are spouting and believing. Just where are the children with serious complications and death? They don’t exist! This is the director of Special Education at Lake Hamilton Schools – she would prefer to mask special needs children and risk their health with an agent that affects 1 in 3000 pre-teens and teens, creating serious heart complications (only ONE of the issues now linked to said agent).The comments are all “Yay! You’re so smart. I’ve already started the process of maiming my children with the poison.” She arrogantly points out how enlightened she and her posse of morons are and how those who resisted masking their children are the same ones refusing to give them the agent. Damn right we are!These are the satans we are up against in our children’s schools who want to put them in harm’s way to feel self-righteous. THIS is dangerous!

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Notes from 7/6 Asa show

Notes from today’s Asa show:

  • Asa will go on tour to promote the jabs. First stop – Cabot.
  • Employers will be reimbursed by the taxpayers for providing paid time off for employees to go get jabbed.
  • Employers are expected to answer questions and provide medical advice to their employees (coercion).
  • Romero: parents should be jabbed in order to protect kids
  • No plans to mask schoolchildren as long as enough adults get jabbed.
  • State will try to enhance advertising in order to improve results.
  • 97-98% of hospitalizations are unjabbed
  • Fertility impacts are only a myth, not real (trust Asa – he knows)
  • FDA should act on final approval (Asa says they have plenty of data, time to grant)
  • Hospitals are crowded because they are being inundated with requests for non-CV related healthcare (How dare people seek non-CV care!)

Covid facts in a nutshell

This sums it up:

I regret not speaking out more early on. I assumed that the hysteria would run its course and we’d get back to normal. That was wrong. Covid is not a danger to anyone under 60. It’s barely a danger to anyone not living in a Long-term care facility. 1/ Masks don’t work. They don’t protect the wearer or others. They should never have been mandated and outside of a few instances (respirators around symptomatically sick people) shouldn’t be worn. 2/ The testing is bullshit. There’s no relationship between testing positive and infectiousness. If you are sick stay home, that’s it. Testing positive on PCR just means that you have fragments of virus in the sample they collected. You can’t transmit unless you are actively sick 3/ Covid is airborne, it is spread through aerosols so small that most instruments can’t measure them. They float in the air and don’t behave predictably to gravity. The best defense is good ventilation and also why masks are useless. Get outside, enjoy life. 4/ Vaccines are for people who haven’t been exposed to Covid and are at risk of severe outcomes (60+) Natural immunity is durable and long-lasting. Covid is over, given the combination of recovered and vax’d people, the risk to any individual is minimal. Time to move on. 5/5 One item to clarify – I made a conscious decision early on to fight this locally. I created a Facebook group to reopen our schools, fought the school board for a year and unsuccessfully ran for a seat. My regret is that I didn’t use this platform to fight this nationally…

Yes, the vaccine particles do accumulate in ovaries

Dr Ah Kahn Syed @arkmedic 26 June 2021PROOF that lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) that mRNA “concoctions”(#Pfizer, #Moderna) were constructed from accumulate in the ovaries in animal studies. Whoever denied this lied. And somebody at the regulators (MHRA, TGA, FDA) withheld the information. Victory MD @DrKellyVictory · Jun 23Experiments demonstrated that lipid nanoparticles concentrated in the ovaries. In animals, concentration was so high the ovaries “glowed” at time of dissection. Pfizer, Moderna, regulatory agencies KNEW vaccines with lipid nanoparticles threaten fertility. ===================Remember this was the tweet that kicked it all off after the revelation from Byram Bridle and h/t @dankdly111The backlash – particularly from the UK – was phenomenal. If we talk about these things we can work to prevent disasters.

More evidence masks don’t work

The Great Reopening Mystery, how another PR blitz from the experts failed yet again. Good overview, graphs:…A PICTURE IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS…and we’ve read thousands of words about masks over the past 18mos. I think this, coupled with the study from Germany 2 weeks ago on thousands of childrens’ masks sent to labs only to find vast amounts of crud (but no virus) mashed onto their faces all day, every day, closes the book for me. IM @ianmSC 25 June 2021I tried to calculate the percentage increase in the 7-day average of new cases in Namibia since they started their mask mandate, but the result is literally “Infinity.”I think that sums up the total and complete failure of masks pretty well.

Pointing out Asa’s inconsistencies:

Lots of unsubstantiated claims, statements that are open to debate, and plenty of downright fallacies, coming directly from our Governor to Arkansas citizens. All in on fell swoop. Can you spot debatable claims below? Which statements from Gov do you think are in error, that we likely have data/studies that contradict his claims? If we call the Governor’s office or ADH, would they be able to provide the information/data that he has used as a basis for his statements? Ideas, thoughts….comments? I’ll start the ball rolling by taking issue in a very big way with his comment on national tv yesterday, “…those that…don’t believe in the efficacy of it (vaccine). They believe…in the conspiracy theories.”You don’t “believe” or “disbelieve” in data and studies that relect in efficacy, or lack thereof, regarding jabs. It can be open to interpretation and debate, but numbers are fairly black & white, not typically relegated to a particular “belief.” What an incredibly disparaging remark— basically, if you don’t ‘believe’ that the V is safe and effective, you then automatically get labelled a conspiracy theorist….for questioning the science, for considering the mounting surveillence evidence in VAERS, the methods, the anything. Heaven forbid you have an original thought these days! Gov. Asa Hutchinson:6/27, Face the Nation: …I mean, there is vaccine hesitancy. Part of it is we’ll just delay it, but the part that you’re most concerned about are those that- that believe- don’t believe in the efficacy of it. They believe that in the conspiracy theories.6/25: The overwhelming majority of COVID patients in the hospital have not been vaccinated.6/24: Today is the third day with a report of greater than 380 new COVID-19 cases in Arkansas. This has been driven mostly by two factors: lack of vaccinations & the COVID variants. Vaccines are effective against the most prevalent variant in the state & are available across Arkansas.6/23: Today’s report shows another day of higher-than-average new cases. This increased level of cases can only be stopped by the COVID-19 vaccine.6/22: COVID-19 won’t go away until more people take the vaccine. Until we increase the number of shots, we will continue to have increased numbers of hospitalizations and new cases like we did today. It is sad to see someone go to the hospital or die when it can be prevented.6/18: You are at risk of getting COVID-19 and spreading the virus if you fail to wear a mask in crowded spaces and you have not been vaccinated. This virus will not go away without each one doing his or her part. We continue to see the effectiveness of these vaccines.6/16: We have been able to decrease our case numbers and hospitalizations dramatically over the past six months due to the vaccine, but we must increase our vaccination numbers to avoid new cases & hospitalizations.

A short update video on the delta variant

A special kind of stupid. Ivor Cummins examines data from around the world, calling into question the current panic & threats regarding the big “D”. Is no one paying attention? Lost in a land of make-believe, perhaps? What really is going on?