Following Asa’s Thursday night address, it has become urgent that we contact our legislators. The legislature could be meeting as early as mid-week to affirm Asa’s “directives.” We need to insist that our legislators vote to END THE EMERGENCY. In the event they are not willing to end the emergency completely, then they should debate each directive separately, in an effort to pick off as many as possible.

  • Call and e-mail the republican legislators. Their contact info is posted below.
  • Please call your own senator and representative if they are on the list, but email each one on the list (in a separate email).
  • Use this template:

Senator / Representative _____________:

I understand that the legislature will be meeting imminently as a committee of the whole to consider the governor’s Covid state of emergency. I implore you to vote to end the emergency. While there may be a few worthwhile facets of the emergency, those can be considered by legislation in January. The “directives,” which are really illegal “rules,” are not necessary and should not be imposed upon a free society. It is important, instead of rubber-stamping the governor’s directives (even for a temporary time period), that you debate each directive independently and vote up or down on the merits of each. Under no circumstance should you support or extend the governor’s unilateral powers usurped from the legislature for the past nine months.

We want our freedom back and our rights restored to the February normal. You will find some key facts related to Covid, along with a comprehensive research paper at https://reopenarkansas.org/legislators. I urge you to read and consider these points with an open mind. Your constituents are watching and expecting you to stand on the side of freedom and fulfill your oath of office by supporting and defending the state constitution and the constitutionally protected rights of Arkansans.



Research for legislators

Please view and widely distribute our latest presentation to legislators. When the legislature meets starting January 11, it is crucial that our legislators vote to:

– end the governor’s unilateral power under the state of emergency;

– end the unconstitutional and unnecessary mask mandates;

– fully restore the rights and freedoms of Arkansans back to the February normal.

Contact us with any questions: mail@reopenarkansas.org

Asa show highlights 11/17/20: “postpone Thanksgiving”

  • Romero says to postpone Thanksgiving – see video attached. https://youtu.be/RVIKP9VObS8
  • Asa calling up 30 National Guard troops to investigate Covid cases.
  • Major spread is coming from household gatherings of fewer than 10 people. (Remember how last week singing in church caused the spread?)
  • ABC is stepping up enforcement of mask mandate in restaurants. Currently 93% of restaurants are in compliance. (Please list the 7% so we know where to eat!)
  • Asa is waiting on recommendations from his winter task force as to new restrictions to be announced soon.
  • Asa’s Thanksgiving will consist of a party with 7 people wearing masks, and he will have the windows open.

Senator Clark vs. Dr. Romero

Cumulative Covid death rates*:

Sweden – 585 per million

Arkansas – 573 per million

Listen to Senator Alan Clark’s takedown of Dr. Romero. https://youtu.be/fwsitqjAJbE

Maybe we should ask Dr. Romero – since he says “we should try to protect every life in this country, and in this state,” why not use the CARES Act money to combat abortion? Wouldn’t that be more effective than keeping Arkansas in partial shutdown mode, all masked up, while achieving no better result than Sweden?

* Death rates assume government figures are correct, which code everyone dying WITH Covid (as opposed to everyone dying FROM Covid) as a Covid death.

Lawsuit / hearing update Oct 14:

Plaintiffs’ Official statement from today’s hearing:

We always knew that this case would go to the Supreme Court. Today, when Judge Wendell Griffen issued a ruling that contradicts the plain language of the Emergency Services Act, we learned that it would be the plaintiffs filing that appeal. Judge Griffen’s ruling, unfortunately, would result in the Governor have unlimited authority to keep Arkansans under the yoke of an unending state of emergency, with absolutely no input from the legislature. That cannot be the law, and, in fact, that isn’t the law. Such an extreme position is both unconstitutional and all but ensures the realization of the maxim that “power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” The plaintiffs here represent all of the people of Arkansas who seek to maintain some control over their own lives pursuant to their God-given rights as recognized in the Constitution, and we’re hopeful that the Supreme Court will agree.

Additional from Re-Open Arkansas:

The hearing this morning was a complete sham. Do not be discouraged – we never expected to win in Pulaski County. After lecturing our lawyer about masks, the judge ruled that the governor has unlimited power, and under the 1973 Emergency Services Act, he can basically do anything he sees fit. Judge Wendell Griffen completely ignored that the Administrative Procedures Act clearly limits the emergency rules to 120 days. We remain committed to fully re-opening Arkansas, returning to the February normal, and ending the governor’s ridiculous and totalitarian mandates. Click the Contribute link to help us fight for you!

Lawsuit update 10/13/20

It was not our original intention to make this lawsuit personal between the governor and the legislators. Because the AG’s office pushed the issue, we have now amended our lawsuit to include Asa. Attached, please see the amended petition and the summons.

There is an initial hearing on the state’s Motion to Dismiss tomorrow (Wednesday, October 14th) in Pulaski County Circuit Court. Understand that this is just a step. Win or lose, this matter will ultimately be decided by the Arkansas Supreme Court. We will post an update, letting you know what happens and what comes next.

Rest assured, our mission here is to fully re-open Arkansas, back to the February normal, and to end all of the governor’s mandates.