Daily Update (8/19):

  • This is the daily update for Thursday. Articles will be added throughout the day, so check back. You may submit your own articles / posts by clicking the ‘Submit’ tab on the menu. To comment, click the headline above, and a comment box will appear.

1.) Bentonville parents are suing Bentonville Schools, in an effort to reinstate their children’s natural right to breathe freely.

2.) Even the people of California are standing up to petty tyrants:


3.) “The final calculation suggested that for every three COVID-19 deaths prevented, two died from the shots. “This lack of clear benefit should cause governments to rethink their vaccination policy,” the authors concluded.” https://rubyraymedia.com/index.php/top-stories/wuhan-flu-view-all-articles/magnificent-mercola-is-natural-immunity-more-effective-than-the-covid-shot

4.) Evil Agenda – Dr. Christiane Northrup; Public Schools are NOT Safe!

5.) Study: Fully vaccinated people with “breakthrough” COVID Delta infections carry as much virus as the unvaccinated


6.) Is the CDC creating a national database of households with unvaccinated children?


7.) AMP will require proof of vaccination or recent negative COVID-19 test to enter. Does this violate Act 1030?


8.) Nearly 60% of hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Israel fully vaccinated


9.) “How many people in PA got vaccinated and still got COVID-19? The state isn’t counting.” from The Philadelphia Inquirer newspaper
This is a classic case of “How to Lie with Statistics”. I wonder what AR is doing but we’ve asked that since last year without a transparent and honest answer. There seem to be contradicting statements in the article, possibly to confuse their readers.


10.) COVID-19 antiviral pills: 3 updates


11.) mRNA vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 reprograms both adaptive and innate immune responses: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.05.03.21256520v1

12.) Italian Healthcare Workers Refuse Vaccine in Large Numbers; The “shock” figure of the day: in Lombardy, 10,000 caregivers have refused the vaccine, in Veneto 5,000. The authorities are facing the risk of emptying clinics and hospitals.


13.) AMM, MD on Twitter: Worrying trend in VAERS. Many new cancers diagnosed a couple weeks after vax. Usually these are blood cancers (ie. AML), but not always. Also, sudden rapid growth of previous cancers in remission. This case, though, is new liver cancer (no risk factors) that doubled in size(7cm->14cm)in 13d. From VAERS: 66y M “Patient has gastric cancer that was in remission. Within 48 hours of receiving the vaccine he noted abdominal discomfort and swelling which progressively increased and led to a diagnosis of malignant ascites within a week of the vaccine.” Vaers id 1066305 73y M “Patients cancer progressed quicker than expected. Resulting in his passing” (died 18d after vax) Vaers id 1096952 70y M “every day, he got weaker and weaker. He has been treated for Liver cancer…CT scan showed significant growth of his tumors which had been stable for a yr and the last CT scan was the end of January; liver enzymes were also significantly elevated whereas they were stable before. My father deteriorated rapidly, and died. The day he got the shot just prior, he was hauling wood, shoveling snow and living a normal life, feeling good. The day after the shot he could barely get out of bed he was so weak, until he finally died 16 days later. Vaers id 1124577 Is there data available for cancer cases and the overall numbers/trends over time, like with these Covid cases? AMM, MD @AMcA32449832 Unfortunately no. U cld check vaers4diagnoses,but u would have2enter every cancer type. They don’t just list “cancer”as a diagnosis. The 1st 3m of vax (thru end of March) I found these 8 new diagnoses of blood cancers: 1064080 1017765 1065922 1039221 1027247 1103186 1073882 942290 Most were within 2 weeks of vax. Replies: Two cases in my family. No previous cancer and fast growth fibromas post VX. 1st one had surgery to remove a kidney. CT scan was clear after that. A month later fibromas appear inside bones. The other one is waiting for surgery. Hospitals closed for non K0v1D patients. My friend’s sis, (56 y/o) had routine annual labs between jabs 1 & 2 which were WNL. S/P 2nd jab felt unwell, repeat labs done – dx’ed with CML. My MIL stable lung cancer started growing post vax. My friends moms breast cancer was in remission for 10 years, came back past vaxx. Sequestration in the liver has been long observed in the adenovirus vector gene therapies. What a nightmare. Terminal colorectal cancer with advanced metastases to liver and likely stomach, all within 6 months of double vaccination. Went from perfectly healthy to hospice in 4 weeks. Thankfully passed now. An oncologist on Medscape said 2 of his patients who had well-maintained stage 1-2 cancer (for years) went to stage 4 w/in weeks of their vaccines. Dr Ryan Cole (rumble, bitchute) has warned about this. https://twitter.com/AMcA324…/status/1428260428363280386…

14.) Great studies on natural immunity: https://truthsnitch.com/2017/05/23/high-rates-vaccination-make-us-safe-lets-talk-herd-immunity/

15.) Why big pharma doesn’t want Covid to end: https://eand.co/this-is-why-big-pharma-doesnt-want-covid-to-end-e3a44280015f

16.) George Mason law prof granted vaccine mandate exemption citing natural COVID-19 immunity


17.) The narrative is crumbling:
