Daily Update (Monday, 8/23):

  • This is the daily update for Monday. Articles will be added throughout the day, so check back. You may submit your own articles / posts by clicking the ‘Submit’ tab on the menu. To comment, click the headline above, and a comment box will appear.

1.) Montana passed a law earlier this year banning vaccine requirements for employees


2.) Spanish Supreme Court Rejects Use Of COVID Passports For Entry To Indoor Venues

3.) Dr Anne McCloskey NI GP – Speaks out

Brave, knowledgeable, honest physician, GP, from Northern Ireland, speaks out. She came out of retirement last year to work in the hospitals. I think she misspoke about 1500 deaths in UK…PHE says higher. 9 min video


4.) Benefits of NAC and Quercetin:


5.) Mandated Vaccinations — Who is responsible for their risks?

6.) Official Data shows many more people have died due to the Covid-19 Vaccines in 8 months than people who have died of Covid-19 in 18 months

7.) Bill Gates has major shares in both Pfizer & BioNTech, and an FOI has revealed he is the primary funder of the Medicine & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency

8.) Vaccine Attorneys List (also posted under Documents tab):


9.) Tremendous court filing in fight against Biden over mask mandates


10.) European Union Reports 1.9 Million Vaccine Injuries, 20,595 Deaths

11.) FDA is working hard to prevent ivermectin use and scare people from taking it.


12.) 7 Superior COVID Treatments that are Being Suppressed—and the Clinical Data that Proves It


13.) Louisiana attorney general gave parents sample letters to help their children skirt mask-wearing guidance in schools


14.) Scientists Blast ‘Rash’ Push for Boosters, Citing ‘Weak Evidence’ to Support Third Shot

15.) Vaccine News Conference, Trinidad & Tobago, Dr. Michael McDowell

Between March 2020 and 6 April 2021 (date of V rollout), Trinidad and Tobago had 145 deaths. From 6 April 2021 to 13 July 2021, 1,022 people died (4 month total after V rollout). Dr McDowell calls it a “death spike” after 6 April 2021. Prior to the rollout, 14% of people died; AFTER the rollout, 86% of people died. He refers to Geert Vanden Bossche’s prediction that this is what would happen–he says it IS happening in 90% of countries globally. He says the death spike is caused by the V; this is why public health authorities cannot release the data. McDowell said one Dr tried and he hasn’t seen her since. Hopeful message near the end. In a V Response News Conference in Trinidad and Tobago, Dr. Michael McDowell explains the covert agenda of the creation of the SARSCoV2 pandemic. https://www.bitchute.com/video/pz1NQGjo9SSl/

16.) Full approval: are you ready to fight yet?


17.) Does the data justify approval?

18.) The FDA “approval” document, pointing out the issues:


19.) Masks do not work to protect you.  They are a symbol of fear and compliance. https://www.outkick.com/study-popular-blue-surgical-masks-offer-close-to-no-protection-against-covid