This is the Friday update. You may submit your own articles / posts by clicking the ‘Submit’ tab on the menu. To comment, click the headline above, and a comment box will appear. Please share this website with your patriot friends and family.
1.) Read yesterday’s legislative update here:
2.) Judge: Vaccine mandate invades privacy rights
3.) California School District Unanimously Votes to Disregard Religious Freedom with Strict Vaccine Policy
4.) Arkansas Senate Sends COVID Vaccine Mandate Measures Back to Public Health Committee
5.) On Thursday, the Arkansas Supreme Court ruled to allow (for now) public schools to force-mask students, upholding Pulaski County District Judge Tim Fox’s ruling.

6.) Melbourne, Australia cases hit record despite two months of lockdown
7.) 50000 Patients Died Soon In 14 Days After Getting COVID-19 Vaccine Says Whistleblower: