The speaker of the house, Matthew Shepherd, refused to allow debate on the Garner bill (SB 730), so it effectively died today.
The Ballinger bill (SB 731) also appears to be dead, as Senator Ballinger says he does not have the votes to bring it forward.
HB1977 (Bryant bill) passed the House with 68 votes, so the emergency clause was adopted. (This is the most watered down of all the bills, but provides some protections.)
The senate needs 24 YES votes and likely has 23. We need to hold these votes plus one more senator:

BEFORE 9AM Wednesday, contact these senators who need a nudge. Respectfully request that they vote YES on HB 1977. Tell them that the welfare of the Arkansas healthcare system and workers throughout the state depends on their YES vote.
Bledsoe – | 479-636-2115 |
Dismang – | 501-766-8220 |
Eads – | 479-435-5139 |
Hendren – | 479-787-6222 |
Hickey – | 870-772-4444 |
Sample – | 501-627-5386 |
Teague – | 870-845-5303 |
Also call the in session number on Wednesday morning: 501-682-2902. Tell them to deliver written messages to the above senators.
We believe this is the final opportunity to pass any medical freedom legislation. Unfortunately, the RINOs vote with the Ds, giving them the edge over the Rs. HB 1977 will at least help some employees, though it allows employers to force unnecessary testing. If you are unhappy that the other medical freedom bills did not pass, then please consider running for office in the RINO and D districts or supporting candidates who share our values. We can fix this problem in May by electing better legislators who will represent the people of Arkansas and not the woke mega-conglomerate corporations.
Honor your vow to uphold and defend the Constitution. Vote for freedom and liberty.
Vote, “Yes” on HB1977.
call / text them
Please vote yes for a bills relate to our medical freedom.
call / text them
Texted them all to vote yes!
Bledsoe and Hickey phones do not respond to text
Call the number at the bottom of the post. Not all numbers are cells.
Done. Texted them. Two numbers didn’t go through. Called them. Their mail boxes are full. Illusive representatives, just what we need.
Bledsoe and Hickey’s numbers are incorrect for texting.
Call the number at the bottom of the post. Not all numbers provided are cells.
I am writing to ask that you vote YES on HB1977.
Thank you!
I just tried to comment and was blocked as suspected bot?
Trying again!
Texted Teague! Sent him below YouTube to please watch also.
Won’t let me post video
Really looking for your “yes” vote on HB1977. I voted for you because I felt you would represent your constituents both Republican and Democrat even though you run on a Democratic ticket. I pray you vote for this watered down bill but at least it’s some kind of protection for these employees and it still keeps your fire at will you like so much.
Thanks! Teresa
Call the number at the bottom of the post.
Bledsoe and Hickey are landlines but all others you can call and text
Some don’t like to be contacted. Call the number at the bottom of the post and ask for a message to be delivered to them.
Texted them
Hi we need you to vote for the emergency clause! My husband was forced to get vaccinated by OCT 1 against his own moral and personal choice but that doesn’t mean that we can’t fight for everyone else!
Text them all this morning, only one responded Rep. Wing when they turned down SB732 but sent Forward SB739. So disappointed , but nonetheless still text everyone of them reminding them that are to serve us the PEOPLE not be served. Just keep fighting is all I can say as a word of encouragement…
Just want to say THANK YOU to ALL that have been calling, emailing, and texting FOR our freedom! I am sooooooooo angry at the people that complain and DO NOTHING! If you can bitch, you can at least email, text, or call the people that DESERVE to be bitched at! For those of us that are, at least we can say WE TRIED! So….. thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Please vote YES…we have a right to choose
We The People are in deep need of your assistance and request for you to please say yes to the bill to provider Arkansas voters with protection they deserve to save jobs. Do you feel it is best to allow a potential collapse of our Health system and our economy until Biden can bring in the foreign country folks not mandated to get said vaccine? You prefer those people take the jobs of people in Arkansas. I had COVID….I have antibodies…..please protect myself and others from Tyranny.
By the way….many voicemail are full or phone # is not working.
There is NO justification for imposing an injection that – 1) DOES NOT prevent contraction. 2) DOES NOT prevent carrying. 3) DOES NOT prevent infecting others. 4) DOES NOT address variants & 5) Masks DO NOT prevent the spread of a (virus) and there is NO study that says otherwise. Also we know and have known that viral antibodies (NATURAL IMMUNITY) is the basis for every vaccine given and therefore those WHO HAVE RECOVERED are already protected better than these shot can provide. ….. By every measure this DOES NOT meet the criteria of a vaccine.
WE have put you in office to defend the Constitution and represent us. WE have placed a great deal of authority in your hands TO SERCE OUR WILL. If you and your colleges feel otherwise and believe Party and State are your masters, the WE WILL REPLACE YOU. I am sorry to be so blunt but most of your phone numbers are non-responsive to us and many of you dodge our requests. THAT will not do, so I speak bow as I , and ALL of us , feel. NO MORE BS. It is time past time for WE THE PEOPLE to reassert our authority and start putting (Public Servants) back in office instead of dismissive Beurocrats. Even though this bill is woefully inadequate, it needs your support and we expect your representations of OUR WILL.