Monday Update (10/25)

This is the Monday update. You may submit your own articles / posts by clicking the ‘Submit’ tab on the menu. To comment, click the headline above, and a comment box will appear. Please share this website with your patriot friends and family.

1.) Arizona AG Seeks Temporary Restraining Order to Stop Biden’s ‘Unconstitutional’ COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

2.) National Divorce discussion

“Because it’s just over the horizon of what we can imagine from our vantage point, National Divorce isn’t at all an immediate action plan–or, at least, I don’t see it as such. Rather, it is a rhetorical strategy to prepare the ground for crucial discussions about what comes next in America, as the country grows even more divided, bitter, and angry.
More than anything else, it is a reminder for Red America to think about economic and cultural autonomy for itself, and what it would take to get there.
Autonomy for Red America is of crucial importance, regardless of the status of political or real separation. It is the ability for Americans to be self-sufficient from the financial, educational and cultural institutions that are hostile to its beliefs and way of life, and make reconciliation increasingly impossible.”
Red American Cities, Gentrification and the Future: This is a conversation based on “The National Divorce” article linked below:
More media exposure, discussions, video clips, Oct 2021:
National Divorce is Expensive, But It’s Worth Every Penny: it
Autonomy for Red America, Part 1:
Autonomy for Red America, Part 2:

3.) Whitewash: Are US Government Health institutions engaged in a massive gain-of-function coverup?

4.) Manipulation by CDC, constantly changing definition of “fully vaccinated”

5.) Neil Oliver, “Hey Government! We’re Not Stupid!”

excellent 7 minute video:


7.) Irrefutable evidence of murder by Matt Hancock and others:

8 minute video clip. Obviously what was perpetrated in care homes and hospitals in Spring 2020 UK set the stage for the government’s justification of lockdowns and restrictions in the name of public health. And now they’ve started with the children just a few weeks ago…sudden deaths in 12 and under occurring. One family has charged the school and the vaccinator with murder. The court accepted the case, so it will be heard. The media in the UK are silent on the mounting evidence of murder against many government, public health, hospital and care home officials.

8.) Two tiered society already in effect in Lithuania

Today, this is Lithuania — a 2-tier society based on vaccination status. One group has access to all, the unvaccinated are, in effect, completely banished from society. This isn’t in the news, that I’ve seen. Quietly, smaller countries in the EU will go with this authoritarian, discriminatory “Covid Pass”. Once this barbaric practice gets a toe-hold, it will spread quickly and widely. Please read the description of what life is like for these Lithuanians who have chosen not to be vaccinated. Then pay attention closely…if this system is put in place in the US, either a small bit @ a time or full bore, it will be virtually impossible to change course. NY and CA have implemented passes to some degree already. I find it appalling that citizens are cheering this on, thinking only, in a misguided fashion, that this is about public health, their ’safety.’ It is not. It never has been about public health. How ignorant and short-sighted can people be?

9.) The Attack on Scientific Dissent Becomes Ever More Brutal

10.) No scientific basis to vaccinate kids:

One Reply to “Monday Update (10/25)”

  1. If tyranny continues, and especially if it effects our children, the left won’t be able to hide! They have ruined AMERICA and don’t seem to be satisfied yet. The only people I know (and I know a lot of people) who have gotten covid are the people who got the jab….this jab is EXPERIMENTAL!! We do not have an approved version in the US!!
    ALSO, EVERYONE WITH THE EXCEPTION OF TWO PEOPLE HAVE EITHER HAD, BLOOD CLOTS, STROKE, DEMENTIA, CANCER, RESPIRATORY FAILURE, KIDNEY FAILURE, OR STERILIZATION….THIS HAS ALL HAPPENED SINCE FEBRUARY 1ST, 2021. WHY IS THE DEATH RATE HIGHER THIS YEAR WHEN THIS VACCINE (LOL- NOT A VACCINE) HAS NEEN AVAILABLE? THIS HAS NEVER NEEN ABOUT A VIRUS…..HEAVENS IT HAS OVER A 99% RECOVERY RATE IN MOST CATAGORIES! WITH THAT SUCCESS RATE IVE NEVER SEEN SUCH IGNORant people running around with their face covered, ECT…..when PRESIDENT TRUMP said he was going to drain the swamp….we didn’t realize how deep that swamp was..and regular citizens have bought into some of the propaganda hook, line and sinker…dividing people and playing right into their hands….brainless people who don’t think for themselves all need nose rings making it easier for someone to lead them around!!!!

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