This is the Friday update. You may submit your own articles / posts by clicking the ‘Submit’ tab on the menu. To comment, click the headline above, and a comment box will appear. Please share this website with your patriot friends and family.
1.) TODAY IS THE POLITICAL CONTRIBUTION TAX CREDIT DEADLINE – Go online today to your favorite legislative candidate’s website and contribute $100 or more. You’ll get a $100 tax credit (married) or $50 (single) on your 2021 Arkansas tax return. Several of our superstar legislators are facing opposition and could use your help.
2.) Federal Agencies: Should We Trust Them?
3.) How the game is really played
4.) The French State Council Quietly Voted the Vaccine Pass – No Longer Democracy but a Putsch
5.) Coming soon to NLR:

6.) Leading cardiologist warns: ‘16,000 kids injured by the vaccine’; Emerging ‘public health threat’
7.) ‘Following The Science,’ Or The COVID Narrative?
8.) Omicron has Cracked Open the Overton Window
9.) Trish Regan: Fauci wants V passport requirement for domestic air travel