Thursday Update (2/24)

1.) Why are the shots illegal – a comprehensive explanation

2.) The mRNA mirage: 4 shots, expiring efficacy, and lots of unanswered questions

QUOTE:What started as the “cure” to COVID-19 has become an ineffective therapeutic with virtually zero efficacy and a plethora of side effects with each additional dose. In the Omicron era, we don’t have a cure. The mRNA vaccine, once touted as the “cure” to COVID-19, has become useless.

Pfizer and Moderna built their novel mRNA COVID vaccines to tackle the original strain allegedly discovered in Wuhan in January of 2020. More than two years later, that strain is nowhere to be found anywhere in the world, and it hasn’t been on our radar for two years.  

Many mutations later, all we have at our disposal is the original shot formula, in EUA form (the FDA approved version remains unavailable in the United States).

QUOTE: Data shows us a gene therapy with no demonstrable upside. In the Omicron era, what does “getting vaccinated” actually mean? It certainly does not offer immunity, or even long term efficacy, and it seems Big Pharma isn’t even bothering to make that claim anymore. Big Pharma and their snake oil salesmen want you to “get protected,” perhaps, in a more ideological form.

Feel free to debate the past, but it’s now February 2022, and “the cure” is akin to injecting yourself with a flu shot from two years ago. “Safe and effective” has become a punchline.

3.) How to Detoxify and Heal From Vaccinations

QUOTE:Detoxing from vaccines is a process without a definite timeline. Think of it as an ongoing journey. Toxin accumulation, especially heavy metals like mercury, can take a long time to remove from the body. Vaccine toxins can be cumulative, building up with each vaccination, adding to the toxin load we acquire from the enormous amount of environmental toxins we encounter every day.If you’ve been vaccinated and suffer from serious vaccination damage, you’re best off living a lifestyle that promotes detoxification for the rest of your life. The truth is, you may never be able to dispel all of the toxins that have caused the damage. Living the healthiest possible lifestyle may be your only way to live symptom-free. But then again, to one degree or another, this is true for everyone.Clearing the vaccine injury with naturopathic and homeopathic remedies is an option. The time between the beginning of the protocol and full recovery is dependent on the severity of the damage, the length of time the damage has been severe, and the amount of suppressive therapy that was administered (pharmaceuticals). All pharmaceuticals will need to be flushed from the body, and the damage they caused must be healed as well.