Throughout 2020 and 2021, our freedoms were under attack. The citizens of Arkansas were force-masked; many were force-jabbed; and life-saving medications were denied. Through his daily radio show, Doc Washburn stood with the people of Arkansas, constantly advocating for our freedom. His opponent was fundraising out of state. When we assembled on the state capitol steps to protest vaccine mandates and other governmental overreach, Doc Washburn stood with us. His opponent was too busy campaigning. When his company gave him an ultimatum, Doc Washburn stood by his principles and deeply held beliefs; he gave up his livelihood in order to maintain his freedom. His opponent was still fundraising and campaigning while endorsing RINOs for re-election. Since 2014, Doc Washburn has been advocating for conservative principles, arguing for lower taxes, fighting against abortion, and speaking with everyday Arkansans about the issues that matter to them. His opponent seems to have been everywhere but Arkansas.
Doc Washburn decided the people need a choice in the governor’s race, and we strongly agree. Not only is Doc a choice, but he is exactly the person we need to reform state government and return power to the hard-working taxpayers of Arkansas. Arkansans would be most fortunate to elect Doc Washburn as their next governor. Reopen Arkansas exuberantly endorses Doc Washburn for Governor of Arkansas.
Washburn policy positions important to Reopen Arkansas:
1.) Thank you to everyone who contacted the Craighead County / Jonesboro Library. After receiving many emails (we believe most on our side), the board tabled the proposal. We expect it to be considered again at a future meeting. As you know, most of these boards skew overwhelmingly Democrat, so it is difficult to pass any conservative measures.
2.) DHS: Mis- dis- and mal-information (MDM) being caused by “Domestic Terrorists”
An older interview with Dr. Salk. This doesn’t have anything to do with covid DIRECTLY, but it highlights some of the very SAME issues we are seeing today with big-pharma and “scientific” institutions.
5.) An Introduction to The Real Anthony Fauci: It’s So Much Worse Than You Imagined
QUOTE:I’ve spoken to 100 of the protestors gathered in the Canadian capital. What’s happening is far bigger than the vaccine mandates.
The convoy is spearheaded by truckers, but its message of opposition to life under government control has brought onto the icy streets countless, once-voiceless people declaring that they are done being ignored. That the elites—the people who have Zoomed their way through the pandemic—had better start paying attention to the fentanyl overdoses, the suicides, the crime, the despair. Or else.
There was a new consciousness, too, a feeling among the truckers that they weren’t as alone as they’d thought.
The solidarity was infectious. There were copycat protests popping up in Helsinki, Finland, and Wellington, New Zealand and Nice, France (they planned to hit Paris and Brussels). There were truckers organizing in the Netherlands, Australia and the United States. Among the Americans who had driven up to Ottawa there was talk that soon the big rigs would descend on Washington, D.C.
“Seeing the country fall apart like this is heartbreaking,” Sim said. “For me, this is the line in the sand. If we lose this battle, I’d like to move out of Canada.” He said that he was thinking of maybe heading to Florida. A lot of the truckers were thinking about the States. But not yet. “I feel that I owe it to me and others that share my values to, at least, fight for this.”
4.) The legislature convenes at Noon today in a fiscal session. Watch this calendar for important hearings: We will email or text you with any urgent action calls. Feel free to click ‘Subscribe’ if you haven’t already done so.
5.) The smallpox pandemic response was eerily similar to COVID. There is much to learn from how it was ended and who ended it.
You may be familiar with the ongoing saga of the Craighead County (Jonesboro) library placing sexually explicit materials in the children’s section. We believe this is a precursor to other Arkansas libraries pushing the same leftist agenda. Please send an email (even if you don’t live in Craighead County – it’s part of the state library system and is funded in part with state tax dollars). The deadline to email is Monday, 2/14. Note that a vote FOR the policy is a vote to REMOVE the explicit material from the children’s section.
Subject line: Sexually Graphic/Explicit Material Policy proposed by Board Member Mark Nichols Body: Please adopt the Sexually Graphic/Explicit Material Policy as proposed by Board Member Mark Nichols
Feel free to add your thoughts, but make sure you include the above information. Below is the background info from Mark Nichols, which explains more. Do NOT copy / paste this, only what is above in bold.
“Many of you have been following the story with the Craighead County Jonesboro Public Library. You have seen some of the sexually graphic books that are being provided to our youth. I have drafted a simple policy to move this material to the adult section. Here is a definition of the material that would be moved:
Sexually graphic/explicit material definition – Sexually graphic/explicit material includes detailed pictorial or text descriptions of explicit sexual acts including sexual intercourse, oral sex, or masturbation.
Exception to this policy – Material exclusively designed for sexual education shall be placed in a sex education section within the adult section of the library, or, in the alternative, within a young adult section within the adult section of the library.
Right now, there is NO area of the library (yes, not even the children’s section of the library) that is free of detailed pictorial or text descriptions of explicit sexual acts. That is a problem for parents who want their children to have a section where they can freely explore books without being exposed to harmful things or things they may not be ready for.
It is sad that there is a need to have this policy, but this is the situation we are currently in. You will hear the word censorship thrown around, but know that others do not have a First Amendment right to expose your child to sexually graphic material. Thus far I have received more feedback from people that want to keep this material in the youth sections. Is this a reflection of our community standards? The emails supporting this material have stated it is a vocal minority that has an issue with explicit material in the youth sections. Feedback from the community on this issue is critical. Ultimately, this is your library and your tax dollars being used to expose young children to graphic sexual material. If you think sexually graphic and explicit material should be relocated where parents can have a voice in what their kids are exposed to, let your voice be heard:
This is the Friday update. You may submit your own articles / posts by clicking the ‘Submit’ tab on the menu. To comment, click the headline above, and a comment box will appear.Please share this website with your patriot friends and family.
2.) The FDA will meet February 15, 2022 to discuss expanding the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for Pfizer’s covid jab to children 6 months to 5 years old. Pfizer itself said the vaccine is not ready, but the White House asked them to submit an application anyway!
We need to act now to tell the FDA this is completely unacceptable! They cannot vote on the safety and efficacy of a vaccine regimen for our youngest children without having data to vote on!
✅ Click the LINK below to make a comment in the Federal Register for the FDA and its advisory committee VRBPAC to see. Demand on record to see the evidence they are basing their decisions on. Our nation’s children need us more than ever right now. We’ve had 25,000 comments from you so far!! Keep sharing!
These comments are read! Members of both the FDA and CDC Advisory Committee are more and more frequently making commentary and asking questions during their meetings based on public comments. At Friday’s ACIP meeting, one member mentioned the large quantity of “queries” she received about data around the definition of vaccination and stated the info had to be collected better. Your voices are being heard!
Approval would make approximately 18 million more children eligible for an experimental jab. The White House is acting fast so we must act faster.
*LAST CHANCE! Comments received on or before February 10, 2022 will be provided to the committee. However, if you miss that window, know that the docket will remain open until February 14, 2022 and become part of our nation’s public record and will be taken into consideration by the FDA.*
3.) U.K. Vaccine Crime Investigation: Metropolitan Police and International Criminal Court (ICC) – Truth Comes to Light
The world’s largest‐ever international criminal investigation is now under‐way, involving Hammersmith Police, The Metropolitan Police, and The International Criminal Court. The UK police accepted the supporting information and agreed there is enough evidence to proceed under the above crime number.
Within the article, a link to 1hr 41min excellent documentary, “Battleground Melbourne,” from journalist, Topher Field. Also a link to a podcast interview with Topher Field @ the end of the article.
5.) All of a sudden, the mandates are being relaxed in blue states. They say the science has changed. We think the only thing that has changed is the polling results.
This is the Thursday update. You may submit your own articles / posts by clicking the ‘Submit’ tab on the menu. To comment, click the headline above, and a comment box will appear.Please share this website with your patriot friends and family.
2.) Pfizer Vax Trial Manager Tells All; Blows Whistle on Data & Medical Integrity, Alleged Fraud During Covid-19 Clinical Trial; Brook Jackson’s Shocking Revelations During Her First Sit Down w/ Paine & Former Blackrock’s Ed Dowd
5.) 16 States File New Lawsuit Challenging Vaccine Mandates for U.S. Healthcare Workers
QUOTE:Attorneys general from 16 states, led by Louisiana, filed a new legal challenge to COVID-19 vaccine mandates for U.S. healthcare workers claiming the mandates are illegal and obsolete, as the vaccines don’t work against Omicron, the dominant variant in the U.S.
The amended lawsuit was filed Feb. 4 in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and Chiquita Brooks-Lasure, administrator of CMS.
The suit seeks to block the mandate for healthcare workers in the 25 states that previously challenged it and where it is set to take effect beginning this month.
The revised lawsuit puts forth a series of new arguments, including that the CMS mandate was designed in response to the Delta variant and is therefore now obsolete.
Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Montana, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia and West Virginia joined Louisiana in the lawsuit.
This is the Wednesday update. You may submit your own articles / posts by clicking the ‘Submit’ tab on the menu. To comment, click the headline above, and a comment box will appear.Please share this website with your patriot friends and family.
This is the Tuesday update. You may submit your own articles / posts by clicking the ‘Submit’ tab on the menu. To comment, click the headline above, and a comment box will appear.Please share this website with your patriot friends and family.
1.) 99% of All Covid Prior Infections Resulted in ‘Natural Immunity’ That Lasted at Least 650 Days
QUOTE: Johns Hopkins university this week dropped a quiet bombshell of an article that went widely ignored in the mainstream media.
Dr. Marty Makary, spearheading a team at Johns Hopkins to do the work that the CDC and NIH refuse to do, showed that 99% of unvaccinated people known to have Covid infections had robust “natural immunity” that did not diminish for at least 650 days.
Of 1580 individuals invited to undergo serologic testing, 816 (52%) did so between September 24, 2021, and November 5, 2021. Participants had a mean age of 48.0 years, 421 (52%) were women, and 669 (82%) were White (Table). Fourteen percent reported routine mask use in public. Anti-RBD and anti-N antibody presence/absence were correlated (95%; Cohen κ=0.908).
2.) Sidney Powell fighting Defense Department over bait and switch mandates:
Late Friday night, February 5, 2022, Defending the Republic filed its motion in opposition to the Government’s motion to dismiss in the Coker v. Austin case. This case involves a challenge to the Department of Defense (DOD) COVID-19 vaccine mandate, the unlawful implementation of that mandate, and the FDA’s improper “approval” of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.
The Government is attempting to get this case dismissed, in part on the grounds that these military service members have no right or basis to sue the FDA, DOD, and the branches of the armed services. The Government alleges that our clients have not suffered any “adverse action” while their COVID-19 vaccine exemption request is pending.
The Government’s contention could not be further from the truth. In fact, our clients have suffered a wide range of adverse actions, including travel and duty restrictions, reprimands, and the denial of promotions because they have submitted vaccine exemption requests. One of our clients, a doctor, was removed from his position as a medical director, has received multiple counseling sessions and reprimands, had his treating privileges suspended, and even faces the loss of his medical license for standing up for his principles, and the real science.
We also allege the DOD is illegally mandating emergency use vaccines when they only have the authority to mandate “approved” vaccines. We have informed the Court that the current FDA approved vaccines are unavailable in the United States.
Additionally, we are asking the court to reject the FDA’s “approval” of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, in that it was issued without proper testing and made with the improper purpose to mandate COVID-19 vaccines for nearly all Americans.
Defending the Republic will continue to fight for the informed consent rights of all military service members and all Americans, and will do its part to hold the Biden Administration, the DOD, and the FDA accountable for their abuses of power.
3.) Those ‘Transitory’ Supply Chain Issues? Uh, They’re Here for a While, And Here’s Why…
This is the Monday update. You may submit your own articles / posts by clicking the ‘Submit’ tab on the menu. To comment, click the headline above, and a comment box will appear.Please share this website with your patriot friends and family.
1.) Now that campaign season is underway, we are actively sending emails (endorsements, fundraising, and upcoming legislative news). If you are not getting our emails, please (1) check your spam folder, or (2) click the Subscribe tab above to re-subscribe. The system has purged over 200 people because of unopened emails. You can also sign up for text alerts (less frequent but more urgent) by texting the keyword REOPEN to 833-958-7142. (If you previously subscribed to text alerts, we still have your number; it is not necessary to opt in again.)
2.) Please help support our patriot candidates. We need to gain 2 or 3 seats in the senate and 10-15 in the house in order to preserve and protect our freedom. These are the first endorsements; more will follow as we have time to vet candidates and write the endorsements.
We are being very selective in endorsements and will only endorse those candidates who will fight for our freedom. We will not issue an endorsement in every race.
3.) 12 Countries Roll Back COVID Restrictions, Israel Scraps ‘Green Pass’
QUOTE:Sweden and Switzerland joined Denmark, Norway, Finland, Ireland, The Netherlands, Italy, Lithuania, France and the UK in announcing they will lift COVID restrictions and open up their countries.
Top Israeli officials also announced this week they are abolishing the country’s “Green Pass” COVID vaccine passport for restaurants, hotels, gyms and theaters.
Few studies, if any, have been carried out to determine whether vaccine passports and COVID restrictions actually lowered COVID cases, hospitalizations and deaths.
However, a recent analysis published by researchers at John Hopkins found COVID lockdown measures implemented in the U.S. and Europe had almost no effect on public health.
“We find little-to-no evidence that mandated lockdowns in Europe and the United States had a noticeable effect on COVID-19 mortality rates,” the researchers wrote.
4.) New Hampshire Lawmakers Propose Bill that Will Allow Pharmacists to Administer Ivermectin Without Prescription
QUOTE:Lawmakers in Concord Hampshire are proposing a bill that will allow pharmacists to dispense Ivermectin by means of standing orders.
“Standing order” means a written and signed protocol authored by one or more physicians licensed under RSA 329:12 or one or more advanced practice registered nurses licensed under RSA 326-B:18, the bill stated.
This is the Friday update. You may submit your own articles / posts by clicking the ‘Submit’ tab on the menu. To comment, click the headline above, and a comment box will appear.Please share this website with your patriot friends and family.
1.) Now that campaign season is underway, we are actively sending emails (endorsements, fundraising, and upcoming legislative news). If you are not getting our emails, please (1) check your spam folder, or (2) click the Subscribe tab above to re-subscribe. The system has purged over 200 people because of unopened emails. You can also sign up for text alerts (less frequent but more urgent) by texting the keyword REOPEN to 833-958-7142. (If you previously subscribed to text alerts, we still have your number; it is not necessary to opt in again.)
2.) FDA Grants Full Approval of Moderna’s Spikevax COVID Vaccine — Another ‘Bait-and-Switch?’