1.) Come out to see Doc this week, and ask him a question. He will answer, truthfully and honestly.

2,) Attorney Thomas Renz has started a new website, to hold them accountable! If you’ve lost family members to deadly hospital protocols or were denied early life-saving medications, or you’ve suffered a vaccine injury…jobs lost for refusing the jab, This is your place to be heard. You can submit your story by video or email. Listen to the 28 min talk Renz gives here…he explains the lawsuits and the new website for all voices to be heard.
NEW WEBSITE: https://holdthemaccountable.world/home
28 min speech by Thomas Renz—find out what he has in store with this lawsuit, exposing the people behind the horrors (over 1200 pages!)…and info on the new website. https://rumble.com/vxslk1-attorney-thomas-renz-exposing-the-corruption-of-dr.-fauc-the-nih.html
3.) Record Surge of COVID -19 Cases and Deaths in Heavily Vaxxed South Korea — What’s Going On?
4.) Kansas Senate revives anti-vax, pro-ivermectin bill
TOPEKA, Kansas— Republican lawmakers revived a proposal to weaken Kansas’s vac requirements for children enrolling in school & day care. The Senate health committee approved a bill that would allow parents to get a religious exemption from requirements to vac their children The measure also would limit pharmacists’ ability to refuse to fill prescriptions for … ivermectin and other drugs for off-label uses as COVID-19 treatments. The Republican majority there also is considering a proposal to greatly limit the power of the state’s public health administrator to deal with infectious diseases and another to ban mask mandates during future pandemics.
5.) from Oregon: Absolute Insanity Directed Toward Children