Friday Update (5/27)

1.) Can We Now See that Economics Does Not Diverge from Public Health?

QUOTE: The dramatic shortage of baby formula underscores the point: a functioning economy is essential to public health. It’s the same with inflation and food shortages: if you cannot afford to eat or the shelves at the grocery are empty, that results in a diminution of public health. If products essential to life – parts to fix trucks or medical equipment – are unavailable due to supply-chain snarls caused by lockdowns, you have a public-health disaster brewing.

The policies to deal with covid jettisoned not only economics but also traditional wisdom in public health, and we ended up sacrificing both in the long run. You cannot have a healthy society by the crushing of market functioning. That ended up ruining lives and it is still going on today.

Polls show that people say inflation is the number one problem and covid is the least of their concerns; but this disguises the common root of both: both issues trace to the radical mismanagement of the social order by the ruling class, at the expense of everyone else.

The shortage of baby formula underscores the point: it takes a functioning economy to feed the children. If you give that up, people will starve. That the likes of Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates did not think of that – and that the mobs shouted to throw out economics to maintain health – reveals a deep and dangerous ignorance of how a good society functions.