Monday Update (6/20)

1.) Help Fix Government or Accept Digital Enslavement

2.) Dr. Simone Gold Sentenced to Prison For Speaking with Megaphone Inside US Capitol on January 6

Dr. Simone Gold on Thursday was sentenced to two months in prison for speaking with a megaphone inside of the US Capitol on January 6.In March Dr. Simone Gold pleaded guilty to a class A misdemeanor count, “entering and remaining in a restricted building charge.”

Dr. Simone Gold was in Washington DC on January 5th and 6th and spoke on the 5th at Freedom Plaza. Dr. Simone later entered the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 and delivered her same medical speech with a bullhorn from inside the U.S. Capitol.

Dr. Simone committed no acts of violence. She only wanted to push her medical opinion on the coronavirus. For this Dr. Gold was placed in the front row of the FBI’s most wanted release.

“I was paid a visit by the FBI in a Roger Stone kind of takedown moment, which is quite uncalled for. You know, if anybody wanted to get a hold of me, they could have picked up the phone and called. I’m very easy to find. But there were literally twenty guys with guns blazing, [and they] broke down my door,” Gold narrated.