1.) Today is Runoff Election Day. To find your ballot, visit: https://www.voterview.ar-nova.org/voterview/
We recommend these candidates:

2.) An organized effort is underway to help professionals who are affected by vaccine mandates. Join them or read their research here:
resources: https://www.fireflyfront.com/take-action
3.) More Bad News for the Mask Cult
If masks or mask mandates worked, wouldn’t we see hard evidence of it by now, you know, more than two years in? If there were such evidence, wouldn’t the powers-that-be be shouting it from the rooftops? Instead, they’ve been pretty quiet because of charts like this, which used the CDC’s own data to compare Covid spread in counties that had mask mandates against counties that did not. The result? No discernible difference.
Thankfully, the tide is turning. Key research and data gathering is being conducted and released that continue to put a stake in the heart of forced masking. Here’s a sampling of the latest:
A University of Louisville study released in May 2022 found that mask mandates and greater compliance resulting from them “did not predict lower growth rates when community spread was low (minima) or high (maxima).” The study, which used CDC data across several seasons, found that mask usage and mandates “are not associated with lower SARS-CoV-2 spread among US states.”
Remember that CDC study purporting to show that school masking was effective? Did you wonder what the results would have been if someone had conducted a higher quality study over a greater sample size and period of time? Ambarish Chandra of University of Toronto and Dr. Tracy Hoeg of University of California, Davis did exactly that with this Lancet study titled, “Revisiting Pediatric COVID-19 Cases in Counties With and Without School Mask Requirements—United States, July 1—October 20 2021.” Their results: “… no significant relationship between mask mandates and case rates.” Color me shocked.