Senator Dan Sullivan’s SB81 will be heard in the Senate Judiciary Committee THIS Monday at 10AM.  Some of our state senators realize how bad our public – county and school – libraries have become, but others need to see just how bad they are.  Our children’s section is filled with alphabet propaganda, transgenderism, and sexuality wholly age inappropriate.  Did you know that at most libraries in Arkansas, any age child can checkout any book, regardless of subject matter, and the parents do not have a right to even know what books their child has checked out?  SB81 aims to hold woke librarians accountable by making them subject to state obscenity laws.  You can read the bill here: https://www.arkleg.state.ar.us/Bills/Detail?id=SB81&ddBienniumSession=2023%2F2023R&Search=


Be at the State Capitol this MONDAY before 10AM.  The Senate Judiciary Committee meets at 10AM in Room 171.  Be sure to arrive early and sign up on the list to testify IN FAVOR OF SB81.

Ways to testify:

1.) Bring an inappropriate book from your local library, especially the children’s section.  Read an excerpt from it at the hearing.  

2.) Bring a print-out of obscene books from your library’s online card catalog.  Mention some of these and give a summary.

3.) Describe your own personal experience with these library books.  Personal stories about you or your children are relatable and helpful.

* Please bring 10 copies of any handouts to pass out to the senators.

Why me?  Why now?:

The leftists will have plenty of people there to testify.  They don’t have jobs.  They aren’t too busy with family activities.  This is why we lose – liberals show up while conservatives keep their mouths shut and stay home.  

We finally have a legislature willing to listen and consider some tough legislation.  Now is the time to show them that the RIGHT is vocal and demanding change.