SB250 isn’t the solution! Tell your legislators to reject SB250.


SB250 seeks to make it more difficult for counties to employ secure paper ballots. After our last action call, legislators were interested in hearing more about paper ballots; however, the Secretary of State and the State Board of Election Commissioners are relentless in their campaign against paper ballots. For some reason (?), they are determined to retain the corruptible ES&S voting computers instead of following the will of Arkansas voters.

For more information on the pitfalls of SB250, click here: https://reopenarkansas.org/2023/02/10/action-call-legislative-interference/

If you haven’t completed the original SB 250 action call (link above), there is still time to do it.  Senator Hammer and Representative Long need to hear that you vehemently OPPOSE SB250.


Contact Secretary of State John Thurston and the State Board of Election Commissioners BEFORE 10AM Thursday. If your time is limited, complete the calls in the order listed below. Tell them (you’re likely to have to leave a message), “I want to register my opposition to SB250. These decisions should be left to the counties.”

John Thurston (Secretary of State): 501-682-1010; arsos@sos.arkansas.gov

Daniel Schults (Director, SBEC): 501-682-1834; daniel.shults@arkansas.gov

Chris Madison (Legal Counsel, SBEC): 501-682-1834; chris.madison@arkansas.gov

Bilenda Harris-Ritter (Commissioner, SBEC): 501-747-7650; bilenda@aol.com


Legislators, while generally well-meaning, are (possibly unknowingly) spreading misinformation, which is coming from ES&S via the Secretary of State’s office and the State Board of Election Commissioners. Don’t believe the half-truths and inaccuracies you are hearing.

4 Replies to “URGENT: SB250”

  1. I worked as a polling site captain on Election Day. The number of people who had serious concerns about the voting computers was significant. But what got me was when the screens went black and said your voting card could not be read when it spit it out for the voter to take to the scanner..

  2. Paper Ballots worked better then the computer many years before. Time to get back what worked. And we need Photo ID to get a paper ballot.

  3. I want a no vote on this issue. Wake up & listen to what the people who elected want for their state & the country.

  4. I have emailed all of the above & again am contacting my Representatives! Thanks Re-Open Arkansas for all you do to help keep us informed!

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