NEW Smoking Gun in CastVote Record

From Mike Lindell:

On Lindell TV, I had an extraordinary conversation with Jeff O’Donnell, who shared a new BOMBSHELL report about the cast vote record.

O’Donnell, who has been analyzing the cast vote records, has shown a visual pattern of problems from the 2020 Presidential Election, especially mail-in ballots.

Across the country, it was obvious that these mail-in ballot patterns were not possible, given the population. Now, O’Donnell shows that it goes beyond a visual pattern. It’s a predictive mathematical process in counts in key states like California, Colorado, Nevada, New Jersey, and elsewhere that whatever the Republican had halfway through the counting process, the end result would be that total multiplied by approximately 1.2.

In every case, throughout Republican-leaning counties and Democrat-leaning counties, this pattern was followed. in almost identical fashion. It’s impossible to explain this as anything else but a well-planned election crime.

This shocking discovery should be front-page news in every newspaper and media outlet nationwide. A federal election was stolen right in front of us, and the current President of the United States was wrongfully elected.

The Lindell Legal Offense Fund and the Election Crimes Bureau will keep fighting to preserve our sacred right to vote.