A federal court of appeals ruled earlier this month that the White House, surgeon general, CDC and FBI “likely violated the First Amendment” by exerting a pressure campaign on social media companies to censor COVID-19 skeptics — including Stanford epidemiologist Dr. Jay Bhattacharya.
Anthem Medical’s Vaxx-Incentive Plan Exposes How Much Doctors Got Paid to Push the Death Jabs
Following the rollout of the Covid-19 “vaccines,” there was a hardcore push by people in authority to get as many men, women, and children jabbed as many times as possible. Politicians and bureaucrats made threats and restricted those who refused. Journalists gaslit us. Celebrities ridiculed us. It has only been in the last few months that the pressure campaign has let up a bit, but it’s still there in the background.
While most Americans have a healthy distrust for politicians, corporate media, and Hollywood stars, a strong majority of people got jabbed anyway for one huge reason: Most doctors were on board with the mass-vaccination program. Many might laugh when Bill de Blasio or Sean Hannity advise us to get jabbed, but with so many doctors echoing the sentiment, millions if not tens of millions dismissed their better judgment based on recommendations from medical professionals.
Studies and strong data points demonstrating the jabs were neither safe nor effective started coming out mere weeks after the rollout, so why did it take most doctors so long to get clued in? A recently surfaced copy of Kentucky Anthem Medical’s “Covid-19 Vaccine Provider Incentive Program” may offer the obvious answer.
They say money can’t buy you love, but it can buy silence, compliance, and loyalty. Look at those numbers. https://thelibertydaily.com/anthem-medicals-vaxx-incentive-plan-exposes-how-much-doctors-got-paid-to-push-the-death-jabs/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
‘Most Intensive Ivermectin Use’ Showed 74% Reduction in COVID-19 Excess Deaths
A new peer-reviewed study says the greatest extent of ivermectin distributions in Peru in 2020 “saw a mean reduction in excess deaths of 74% at 30 days after peak deaths.”
Pushing back against illegal coercion to wear masks
We’re seeing the hysteria build in response to new Covid variants, reportedly, popping up around the country. The same bad actors in government and their allies in the legacy media are again telling us to, Mask up!
Apparently, Dr. Anthony Fauci was assigned the indefensible task of again attempting to coerce people to comply with new mask mandates.
In his recent interview, Fauci said, “I hope they will abide.”
… even though he admitted in the same interview that masks have been proven INEFFECTIVE at preventing the spread of Covid!
Fauci, along with the Biden Administration and their so-called “health” agencies, want people to wear masks they know don’t work. Clear manipulation like this should be strongly condemned by both the media and the public, but unfortunately, many will just accept it.
The government’s insistence on enforcing an unnecessary mandate, which goes against scientific evidence, shows a complete disregard for its citizens’ well-being. In a world where we have easy access to empirical evidence and expert consensus, it’s unreasonable and erodes public trust to ignore these studies.
Indeed, it is a grave disservice to the very essence of responsible governance, and one that demands our scrutiny, condemnation, and resistance.
With increasing reports of mask mandates in hospitals, schools, and businesses, we want to make you aware of crucial AFLDS resources that will equip you to resist illegal coercion to wear face coverings of any kind.
AFLDS created legal documents for non-compliance when masks are required for adults and children. These customizable templates contain foundational legal and scientific standing on which you and your loved ones can defy mask mandates.
Sample language includes,
Involuntary masking is unlawful under well-established legal principles. The right to bodily autonomy, right to unrestricted breathing, the right to be recognized and the right to display and express one’s face are basic human rights grounded in individual liberty, one of the cornerstone principles of the United States. The right to breathe is fundamental and basic to all human life.
This letter serves as official notice that my children, [children names] do not consent to being forced to wear a mask. As parents and advocates we will not fail to take the maximum action permissible under the law against your organization, and against individuals personally. Accordingly, I urge you to comply with Federal and State law and advise children they have a right to refuse to wear a mask as a measure to prevent or reduce infection from COVID-19.
Anti-FOIA bill defeated
After hearing overwhelming feedback from Arkansas taxpayers, several versions of an anti-FOIA bill were withdrawn. The current bill is SB 10 / HB 1012 (mirror bills), which addresses the security issues without removing the people’s FOIA rights.
You can read the current bill here:
Vaccine Bill this week at state legislature
While we appreciate the governor’s efforts, the new vaccine bill does very little.
1.) Despite claims in the media, the bill ONLY applies to state employees.
2.) It creates a specific exemption for federal money, meaning that the state can choose money over the health autonomy of its employees. The current law only allows healthcare facilities to force-jab; the new law will allow ALL state entities to force-jab if federal money is involved. More detail from Conduit: https://conduitnews.com/2023/09/08/mandates-for-money/ “Under the 2021 law, only a state owned or state controlled medical facility could request approval to mandate a vaccine. Under the new bill, the state, a state agency or entity, a political subdivision of the state, or a state or local official can request permission to mandate the vaccine if the mandate is necessary for federal funding.”
3.) The bill does not protect employees of private or public businesses. This is a big step to the left of the Ballinger “Don’t ask don’t tell” vaccine bill of 2021. Our state clearly prioritizes Walmart, Tyson, and the State Chamber of Commerce (big business) over the rights of private individuals to make their own healthcare decisions.
Read the bill here. Pay particular attention to Section 1(f), page 3, lines 15-25.
Contact your legislators here:
Anti-FOIA bill to be considered in special session

The state legislature will convene in special session this week to consider several bills, one of which intends to reduce the people’s right to know what their electeds are doing. If you are concerned about transparency in government, please make an effort to be at the state capitol. There is strength in numbers. You can speak against this atrocious bill or stand with those who do speak. There are two ways to help. #1:
- Be at the state capitol Monday, 9/11.
- House hearing starts at 1 PM in room 151
- Senate hearing starts at 3 PM
- Understand that the legislature is FLUID. Times and locations change all the time. Plan to stay as long as you are able. These hearings often go into the night.
#2: Contact the sponsors and let them know that the people aren’t happy with this egregious takeover of our FOIA law. Ask them whether they think they work for the governor or the people. (They will argue this is about the governor’s security, but that’s a cover. Sending a FOIA request for a trip she took six months ago does not compromise her security.)
all legislators’ phone numbers: https://reopenarkansas.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/2023-legislators-all-by-name-PDF.pdf
Valid points to make to legislators: * If this FOIA bill were about safety, then it wouldn't have the extra provisions added. We already know that any FOIA's that were sent are about PAST trips. We also know that ASP released everything except the passenger list. If there is a need for an exemption for safety, I would happily support it. We also have never seen or heard of FOIA being the cause of any security threats. * Can you imagine if something happened in our state like the child abuse scandal at Penn State several years ago? It is proven that this exemption helped hide any communication that could have helped catch Gary Sandusky sooner. This exemption is overused and abused. This is a dangerous precedent that could have serious consequences. What happens if we have a Democrat Governor or Democrat majority in a few years? Will you be comfortable with them having this same power to exempt anything they don't want the public to know? * The issue seems to be related to something the Governor does not want made public, and I fail to understand how releasing the passenger list of a flight she has already taken equals a security threat. It seems to me, and a lot of others, that this is an excuse to destroy FOIA and our Governor is using the legislature to hide what she doesn't want made public. * If this bill were championed by Chris Jones or any other Democrat - the exact same bill, with the exact wording – not a single Republican would vote YES. That is because it gives the Governor the power to hide anything desired. This bill is wrong. * I am asking that you please reconsider your support for this dangerous bill. This bill is anything but what we would expect from a Republican legislator who believes in transparency. * This bill absolutely destroys any public trust. This bill is anti transparency. Transparency in government is essential to liberty of the people. I am asking you, as your constituent and supporter, to please reconsider your support of this bill and do the right thing by voting NO. * “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety” - Benjamin Franklin
More background info from Professor Robert Steinbuch:
RNC Addresses Election Integrity
On the cowardice of American scientists
Researchers everywhere are doing work that raises hard questions about the safety of mRNA Covid shots. Everywhere except the United States, that is. Why?
We Won’t Be Masked Again
QUOTE: A summer surge of COVID-19 has some wondering aloud if we should return to mask mandates. For now, the official line, despite the media effort to rekindle coronavirus hysteria, is that it’s unlikely. But we heard that before, in 2020, right before public health officials dropped their mask tyranny on us. If they do it again, we have an obligation to say no.
Are we calling for civil disobedience? Are we suggesting that Americans resist orders that are not laws but are instead decrees issued by despots? Absolutely, and without reservation.
Masks are dehumanizing.Masks project fear. Masks are vehicles for virtue signaling.
For all the fighting over masking, there’s no evidence that mask mandates work.
We understand that a small portion of the population is vulnerable to COVID-19 and other diseases that can be contracted in a similar way, and that proper face coverings can in some cases keep these people healthy. Anyone who needs to wear a mask, or simply prefers to, has every right to do so.
The rest of us, though, should refuse to be masked ever again. When government feels no resistance to its dictates, it knows it’s free to tighten the yoke another notch.