Anthem Medical’s Vaxx-Incentive Plan Exposes How Much Doctors Got Paid to Push the Death Jabs

Following the rollout of the Covid-19 “vaccines,” there was a hardcore push by people in authority to get as many men, women, and children jabbed as many times as possible. Politicians and bureaucrats made threats and restricted those who refused. Journalists gaslit us. Celebrities ridiculed us. It has only been in the last few months that the pressure campaign has let up a bit, but it’s still there in the background.

While most Americans have a healthy distrust for politicians, corporate media, and Hollywood stars, a strong majority of people got jabbed anyway for one huge reason: Most doctors were on board with the mass-vaccination program. Many might laugh when Bill de Blasio or Sean Hannity advise us to get jabbed, but with so many doctors echoing the sentiment, millions if not tens of millions dismissed their better judgment based on recommendations from medical professionals.

Studies and strong data points demonstrating the jabs were neither safe nor effective started coming out mere weeks after the rollout, so why did it take most doctors so long to get clued in? A recently surfaced copy of Kentucky Anthem Medical’s “Covid-19 Vaccine Provider Incentive Program” may offer the obvious answer.

They say money can’t buy you love, but it can buy silence, compliance, and loyalty. Look at those numbers.