Republican voters in Southwest Arkansas’ District 3, which stretches from Bismarck to the Louisiana line, including the cities of Arkadelphia, Gurdon, Hope, Prescott, and Magnolia, could have no better choice for State Senator than Mark Silvey of Nevada County. Mark Silvey might not be a name you recognize from politics, and we think that’s a good thing. He is a pastor, a small business owner, and a citizen who realizes it’s time for regular folks to get off the sidelines and become involved in government. Silvey stands strongly against mandates of any kind; he is for complete abolition of abortion; he will fight against libraries that provide pornography to minors; and he believes state government should be fiscally responsible, accountable to the taxpayers, and transparent. Silvey believes in educational freedom; he reminds that children belong to the parents, not the state. The bottom line – Mark is the real deal; you’ll never have to spend any time asking him to vote correctly, because he will be a true one hundred percent patriot senator. Our entire state will be blessed with this freedom-fighter in the state senate. Please join us in supporting Mark Silvey for State Senate, and consider a donation to his campaign: https://www.silveyforsenate.com/